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Chauntea, goddess of life and bounty (chawn-TEE-ah)

Chauntea is the Emmel goddess of life and bounty, who views herself as the embodiment of all things agrarian. Many see her as the tamer parallel of Silvanus, the Forest Father of druidry and wilderness, as she is the deity of agriculture and plant cultivation.


Chauntea, when in her natural form and not that of an aspect, manifests with the appearance of a giant beautiful human woman. The Earthmother has long shiny white hair, gathered in a long braid she wraps around her head. The length of her braid suggesting the woman's great age. She has pleasant features and brown skin. Chauntea's body is lean but toned, muscled similarly to a farmer's body, shaped by hard work, and she carries herself with strength and femininity. If one was to forget that they observed a deity, they could assume the beautiful woman in front of them is in her middle-age. Some describe her appearance as "a rose in full bloom."
  Chauntea often dresses in an unbleached linen tunic and carries a green seed pouch, slung over one shoulder.


Chauntea is a wise and quiet goddess given to neither pomp nor paegentry. Over the millennia she has learned the virtue of patience, being both slow to anger and not prone to hasty action, although she sometimes takes this to the point of being ponderous.
  This is not to be mistaken for passivity however, as she takes what is seen by most as a more active role in many societies in Emmel, and she focuses much of her attention on helping them live off of the land. This relationship is not one-way however, for Chauntea also preaches through her followers reverence towards nature. She urges the people of civilized lands to repair that which they damage, calling her followers to perform small acts of devotion. Furthermore, while she prefers diplomacy to open conflict, to bring blight to the natural world would surely evoke the fury of the Earthmother.
The Great Mother (Viverri), The Grain Goddess, The Golden Goddess, Goddess of Agriculture, Earthmother, The Forest Mother, She Who Shapes All, Guardian of the Wilds and Deeps, Keeper of the Wild, Goddess of Bountiful Nature, The Mother of All Flowers, The Lady of the Harvest
Bhalla, Chantea, Earthmother, Jannath, Pahluruk
Presenting Gender
Neutral good
Sheaf of grain or a blooming rose over grain
Channel Divinity
Preserve Life
Church of Chauntea, Hinfolk, Druids, farmers, gardeners

Favored animals
Larks, Robins, Red hens
Favored plants
Favored monsters
Sprites, Talking trees (for example Treant)
Favored colors
Forest green, white, yellow
Unexpected flowers growing with great speed, Light motes
Divine Classification
Greater Deity

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Character Portrait image: by Julio Cesario


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