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If goblins look like small orcs, then kobolds are the draconic equivalent. These reptilian humanoids also tend to occupy the same place on the food chain as goblins.

Basic Information


A kobold is a reptilian humanoid, standing between 2' to 2'6" tall, weighing 35 to 45 pounds, with scaled skin between reddish brown and black in color and burnt orange to red eyes. Their legs are sinewy and digitigrade. They have long, clawed fingers and a jaw like a crocodile. Small white or tan horns protrude from their head, and they have rat-like tails.

Biological Traits

Some rare kobold children have wings, and they known as an Urd, the draconic word for wing.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kobolds are egg-layers, and have one of the highest birth rate among humanoids alongside Harengon for example. A pregnant female can lay her egg within two weeks, and about one in ten pregnancies produces to two eggs. An egg needs incubation for about two months, but the newly hatched kobold can usually walk in just a few hours. The eggs are particularly sturdy, and the young inside can survive even if the egg breaks as much as fifteen days early.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kobold young mature quickly, reaching young adulthood in six years. They live an average lifespan of 50 years, but there have been reports of some living a little over a century.

Biological Cycle

Like other reptiles, kobolds shed their skin periodically. A growing kobold might do this as frequently as weekly, but a developed one usually sheds once per season. Unlike snakes, kobolds do not shed their entire skin at once; they instead shed portions of it over a period of time, much like lizards do. The process is usually accelerated by rubbing.
Male Kobold
50 years
Average Height
2' – 2'6"
Average Weight
35–45 lbs
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Skin Color
Variable, often reddish brown
Eye Color
Burnt orange, red
Small, physically durable, nimble, draconic features

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