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Mousefolk have a mostly humanoid body shape, and a fur coat that is often a neutral color. They have large ears, and a thin hairless tail in the back.

Basic Information


Reaching a little over 2 feet tall, Mousefolk often go unnoticed in their day to day activities. Their fast metabolisms and quick feet give the Mousefolk a slender build, usually weighing less than 30lbs. Mousefolk fur color ranges from very rare whites to tan, brown, grey or black, with various patterns passed through heredity, but all possess large ears and round, black or red eyes.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Mousefolk reaches adulthood at the age of 5 and lives to be about 40 years old.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

When a Mousefolk is old enough to read, they are taken by an elder to the clan's archives to study the lore and histories of their people. After several years, the individual is allowed to pick their own name, either adopting the name of a past hero, or inventing a new name for themselves.
  Male Names: Aengus, Ashwin, Aynselle, Boris, Byrnstan, Colin, Demitri, Elric, Esegar, Finn, Gregory, Joseph, Luke, Martin, Matthias, Mattimeo, Odric, Seyth, Thom, Waldwin
  Female Names: Baeylie, Caley, Clove, Daewn, Dalla, Eda, Elis, Gale, Ingrid, Kearra, Mariel, Millicent, Moira, Nola, Rona, Rosalee, Sayble, Serra, Sylvia, Veira
  Historical Names: Abershaw, Bluebell, Celanawe, Dalgill, Faolan, Garrow, Gamilon, Grimwold, Hannidy, Larkin, Sloan, Taryn, Tenny, Tinble, Toller, Vidar, Walmond

Major Organizations

Though they are a small race they command a large area of the Lamina Kingdom due to their tie to The Guard.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Beast Common is the general language used by most beasts and humanoid beast races. The mousefolk are perhaps the most well versed in the language as their record keeping and scholarly work is unparalleled, and they are constantly creating new words for the language.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The life of the Mousefolk is one spent close to the ground. With no great empires or kingdoms to call home, the Mousefolk spend their lives carving a place for themselves in the cities of the larger races or in the untamed wilds. They form tight-knit communities where every member is expected to contribute to the success of the whole. Some Mousefolk study a trade skill to support their families, while others use their natural agility and intellect for contract services.
  Mousefolk settlements can be found in the most unlikely and inhospitable of places. They tend to build homes in the dark shadows and forgotten corners of the world, such as city slums, deep forests, scorching deserts, arctic tundras, or port cities in exotic lands. The Mousefolk aren't typically farmers, instead preferring hunting, trade, and craft to meet their needs. Mousefolk caravans are not an easy target for bandits, guarded by skilled archers within and a bristling wall of oak and steel without.
  Mousefolk families extend beyond blood ties, an individual's entire community is treated as kin. Mousefolk settlers will seek out other colonies, and new warrens will arise within close proximity to each other. These communities will eventually grow and merge, the members of each becoming kin to the other.
  The Mousefolk have a deep love of art, literature, song, and craft, and will often spend a lifetime perfecting their trade. True masterworks are rarely seen by the outside world, instead they are preserved and passed through the generations. To be a keeper of lore and heritage is among the highest honors and greatest responsibilities in Mousefolk culture. The Mousefolk who do not end up learning a trade will often put their skills to use pursuing esoteric knowledge, training as defenders, spiritual leaders, rangers, covert agents, or they might even travel the world as an adventurer-for-hire.
  The concept of personal wealth or glory doesn’t pervade through Mousefolk culture, most actions taken are for the good of the community rather than the self. Any wealth or resources gained are utilized for the betterment of the group. Some Mousefolk, however, use their natural abilities for personal gain. These individuals tend to be outcasts or black sheep of the clans.
  Despite their generally flighty appearance, mousefolk are a very honorable people. They believe strongly in personal honor, less so in the idea that the actions of others can impugn that honor. When a mousefolk makes a mistake, especially one that causes harm to others, they will work hard and at long lengths to correct that mistake.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Mousefolk place great value on the written accounts of their legends and histories, and encourage everyone to keep journals and records of their deeds. Almost all Mousefolk speak Common to converse with the people on whose lands they dwell or through which they are traveling.

Keep in mind that these are meant as a general understanding of the social structure of the species. Languages, technologies etc can vary from one organization (state, kingdom etc) to another or between geographic locations.
Female Mousefolk Fighter
40 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Related Organizations


Fur Color
White, Tan, Brown, Grey, Black
  Eye Color
Red, Black
Furry, nimble, small, large ears, tails

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