The House of Crows Organization in Emmel | World Anvil
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The House of Crows

A prominent thieves guild with sway in the Conflict Zone and the Eastern Territories. They're the de facto ruler of Sanorio, however no one would openly admit that.


    There are 5 guild leaders who are titled Talon Master. Other ranks from lowest to highest are:
  • Starling - lowest ranking/new joiners that have yet to prove themselves
  • Hawk - those that have proved themselves handy with a blade
  • Magpie - those who are skilled pick pockets
  • Oriole - those skilled with charisma
  • Thrush - those skilled with first aid/medical/healing knowledge but they are expected to provide healing to the guild on a "no questions asked" basis
  • Raven - those skilled in stealth but only able to get the title upon completion of a special assignment
  • Nightingale - the title given to the most skilled Ravens
  • Talon - Title given to a member of the guild who looks after a specific town/region or safe house. These are the most dangerous members with a large amount of influence and skill. They serve directly under the Talon Masters.


The House of Crows is not only made up of rogues but counts many other specialties among their number. They do not care what your background is, as they are a meritocracy any one who shows promise or skill in the illegal arts is welcome, however, they do value subtlety and discretion so those of a blood thirsty attitude are often made to "disappear" in short order. In general the guild stays away from assassination work, however if necessary they have been known to snuff out threats.

Public Agenda

In an official lens the House of Crows doesn't exist, but unofficially they're the rulers of Sanorio. The guild makes it known through their actions that the common folk's coin purse is not what they're after. In fact most residents of Sanorio praise them for their philanthropy, of course through intermediaries. No one is quite sure what their goal is however everyone knows what happens if you dip into their business.


There are several dozen blacksmiths, bakeries, stables, gambling houses, inns, pubs, and brothels that are believed to be fronts for the guild however nothing can be proven, and these claims stretch across the southern portion of Emmel. The ports however are undisputedly the property of the guild, nothing leaves, enters or happens there without the guild's knowledge.


These things are for the most part inferred by those outside of the guild as no one with intimate knowledge of the guild seems willing to share, but there are a few things that guild seems to abide by:
  • Leave the common man alone, pockets are one thing, but don't steal from those that have nothing.
  • If you do some thieving, it better be with the guild permission. If you bring heat, expect a visit from a raven.
  • They don't do assassin contracts, or at least of they do they do a damn good job of hiding it.
Again pure conjecture.
Guild, Thieves
Controlled Territories


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