Sanorio Settlement in Emmel | World Anvil
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A free city on an island in the Southern Sea. Acts as an important trade city as it remains neutral to any countries within the Conflict Zone because it is located on a major shipping route.


Sanorio tends to attract every type of person, especially if they like to make money. The population is made up of nearly every ancestry in Emmel, and the social stratification is a similar story. There's the dirt poor and the beggars, all the way up to business tycoons and nobility with lavish mansions.


The government is a bit of a funny thing here. On paper Sanorio has been ruled by a single family, the Sanorio House former nobility of theSalastellan Kingdom that no longer exists, and the city is run in a very old fashioned monarchy style of government. However in reality the noble family is nothing more than a figure head. The House of Crows are in fact the true ruler of the city, but don't bring that up around the Sanorio Family it's a bit of a sore subject.


The island is surrounded by sand bars, shallows, rocks, and volcanic spires that seem to spring up out of nowhere making approach to the island a difficult task for an invading force. Add on to that an island nation with only a navy for a military and Sanorio becomes an incredibly safe place to be. The navy operates smaller sailing vessels typically maned by a squad of 8, and their boats can move deftly through the terrain and swarm larger vessels.

Industry & Trade

Shipping, everything in Sanorio, every dock, every business, and every shop, can all be tied back to the ports. The city brings in exports from all over the the southern part of Emmel, and because of their neutral status even countries at war with each other will trade with Sanorio for what they need.
Fishing is also a sizable industry there, but most would agree that it's better in Maris.
  Perhaps the most mysterious industry is the one surrounding Anthozoa, a bioluminescent coral that comes in every shade imaginable, that when dried it becomes hard as stone, but mysteriously maintains its glowing qualities. Each shade fetches different prices, but the harvesting practices of this coral is a highly guarded secret, and Sanorio is the only place in the world one can buy it.
  The mining of volcanic rock is not unique to Sanorio, however the method used here is. All of the spires in the ocean that litter the waters around the city are created from magma vents releasing lava which cools and after a long enough time they reach the surface. The mining industry in Sanorio involves diving down and mining the spires before hauling them back to shore. Given it's location and tight quarters, the city itself doesn't have the necessary facilities to process much of the rock, but through a deal worked out with the Azuros Empire the rock is processed there and then ready to be sold and shipped.


Watermills and windmills are both excellent sources of power in the city, and are used extensively to move platforms between the various levels of the city and to power hydraulic pumps that bring seawater up for the sewer system. Indoor plumbing is rather common here with a vast overly complicated and patchworked system of pipes that funnel all of the waste water away. To where? Rumor has it that the city keeps oozes locked away and feeds them the sewage to get rid of it. There are extensive rainwater collectors throughout the city and the volcanic rock mined is crushed and used as a filtration system to facilitate safe drinking water.


Dividing up districts in Sanorio is not a small feat. The city has grown, renovated, added, and lost portions over it's 300 year history so the city is a strange amalgamation of parts and pieces. Very generally speaking the higher you go, the richer it gets, and the further away from the eastern port the richer it gets. However navigating Sanorio as a visitor is not recommended; you could always try asking one of those urchins on the docks for help.


With the wealth of imports flowing into the city it would almost be harder to not find what you're looking for there, on the level or the black market. It's also the only place that you can find Anthozoa Coral.

Guilds and Factions

The House of Crows are the movers and shakers of the city, and every citizen knows this. If you hear what sounds like bird calls around, you know that you're not where you need to be.


Originally established in 328 GE by the House of Sanorio of the Salastellan Kingdom as a means to establish a port city for a navy. After the eventual fall of the kingdom and the rise of the Salastellan Republic the Sanorio Family opted instead to withdraw from the new country and become independent.

Points of interest



Crowd Work

  Everyone loves to see performances from their local bards, right? Maybe a song, a dance, or even a sonnet, but in Sanorio bards have come to be known for a very different kind of performance. Instead of showcasing their talents in the arts they perform with their wit. In these performances bards will insult and tease crowd members riling them up and belittling them, it's all very funny, until it isn't. They say all of the best silver tongued bards have cut their teeth in Sanorio, or at least they've lost a few there.


The buildings of Sanorio are as varied as its inhabitants. Due to its position as a trade city people from all over the world live there, and as a result brought with them their cultural tastes. In the oldest parts of the city you can see some of the Salastellan influence in the wide archways and columns made of white stone, gold inlays of script, and red domed roofs. In other parts of the city varies design philosophies clash over real estate creating a chaotic scene. Now most of the additions and new growth of the city is constructed using Entwood, imported from Orthant Rassent, made from the corpses of fallen Treants. The wood is near impervious to the elements and extremely hard while maintaining a manageable weight.


Very little of the island under Sanorio remains visible. The city has built up and out so much to the point that portions of the city are over the water now. The ocean around Sanorio is treacherous, only the very best captains and their crews could hope to traverse the area unscathed. Sandbars will suddenly appear, sharp spires that pierce your hull sit below the surface of the water, and unpredictable currents make this area a sailor's nightmare. It is mostly the reason however that Sanorio is still on the map as it's the only safe passage through the area without adding on hundreds of miles to a journey.

Natural Resources

Fish, Volcanic Rock, and Anthozoa Coral.
No matter how nice that brothel visit was try not whistle as you walk. Trust me, people here get jumpy when you do that.
— Roscoe Hilldream

Sanorio Coat of Arms
Founding Date
328 GE
Alternative Name(s)
Songbird City
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Emmel World Map
World Map of Emmel
Point of Interest
Village: Population >1,000 
Town: Population 1,000~5,000
City: Population 5,000+


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