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Tieflings are a humanoid race that in many ways resembles humans with the exception of a random demonic traits. Tieflings are believed to have been created as a result of humans and demons or devils mating. Their is no standard form that these traits take from tails and horns to hooves.

Basic Information


Many tieflings look like regular humans, most retain physical characteristics derived from their ancestor, with the most common such features being horns, non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth. Some tieflings also have eyes that were solid orbs of black, red, white, silver, or gold, while others have eyes more similar to those of humans. Other, more unusual characteristics included a sulfurous odor, cloven feet, or a general aura of discomfort they left on others.
  In many other ways, tieflings are similar to humans physically. Tieflings are, on average, just as tall as humans, from 5' 6" to 6' 2" and weigh just a little bit heavier at 140 to 220 pounds. Tiefling skin is usually human-like in color, though extending past normal human colors into reddish hues as well as many other colors. Tiefling hair is also often the same color as human hair, though dark blue, red, or purple are common shades amongst the race.
Female Tiefling Paladin
150 years
Average Height
Average Weight
114‒238 lbs
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Skin Color
Same as humans, plus shades of red and blue
Hair Color
Red, brown, black, dark blue, purple
Eye Color
Black, gold, red, silver, or white (solid color, with no sclera or pupil)
Horns, tail, and other traits commonly associated with fiends

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