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A race of constantly mutating goblinoids making them difficult to taxonomically categorize them.

Basic Information


Young verdan are similar to small elves with jade-green skin and about as tall as goblins or about 3 and half feet. However, as they age, they undergo dramatic and somewhat random changes to size, skin color, and physical characteristics. The most noticeable change, and the only one that seems to be common to all verdan, is in stature. Over a period of days, at a certain point in their adult lives, verdan painfully grow to the size of hobgoblins, about 5 feet on average.
  Other changes happen at different moments along their adult lives, following no apparent pattern. Their skin, hair, and eye color can change from their original jade tone to any shade of green, ranging from pale white to jet black. Their ears, originally similar in shape and size to an elf's, can grow extremely long, sweeping back from the head like wings. It is common for verdan who display this trait to wear their ears tied up behind their heads. Changes in sex and/or gender are also frequent.
  These mutations and changes do not seem to be related to any biological connection between verdan. Even members of the same family can display wildly varying physical characteristics.

Biological Traits

Verdan's black blood also grants them enhanced natural recuperative capabilities, however the how and why is still debated among scholars.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Verdan possess a limited form of telepathy and are able to communicate with any creature capable of language within a range of about 30 feet. It is, however, a slow and ineffective form of communication that can only transmit simple ideas and concepts.
Male Verdan Warlock
Less than a century
Average Height
3‒6 ft
Average Weight
Related Organizations

Skin Color
Green (all shades)
Hair Color
Green (all shades)
Eye Color
Green (all shades)
Ever changing features, usually green

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