Tamako Sano

Tamako Sano (a.k.a. Tails)

Religion is for people who don't want to go to hell, Spiritually is for those who don't want to go back.   If you want to know Sano Tamako all you need to do is ask. She is a hard working, and kind person who would give you the robe off her back. She loves to be with others and take care of them.   At the same time there is an edge of rage, and though she can be incredibly kind and loving, when someone threatens someone she loves, or crosses her line, she can be a formidable foe.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sano is a 5 foot 9 inch tall Bi-pedal fox that is mostly Tan brown with slightly lighter fur around her face and under belly. She has markings across her face, wrists, ankle and tails. She has a dancers body, lithe but strong. Her eyes are Jade green and a slight smile is her constant companion.   When Sano is in human form her skin is ash grey, with only her hair and occasionally some fox parts, keeping that brown tone. Her eyes are close to green and she has perfect proportions.   When she moves she is all practice and controlled grace.

Body Features

Sano as a fox has two tails which move separately from each other, and large ears. She has a dancers body with a long torso and legs.
As a human she has a slight dusting of freckles across her face, a slightly darker shade of grey. Her hair is a wavey light brown. She continues to be well proportioned as a human.

Facial Features

In Fox form Sano has a vulpine face which is brown cream colored on the top that fades into a soft white underneath.   In human form Sanos face is round and has freckles scattered across her face. Her lips are plump and her eyes heavy lidded. Her eyes are more green than in her other form.

Identifying Characteristics

In Fox Form Sano has clear black bars across her muzzle, her wrist, the base of her tail and her legs.

Physical quirks

While in fox or Hybrid form she has 2 tails which seem to move independently of each other.    In human form she is Grey-ish black.

Apparel & Accessories

Sano dresses simply in a blue colored Kimono with White Obi that has simple geometric patterns. The Obi has a pattern

Sano type of person to help others no matter what she thinks of them. She believes that unless it is in the defense of self or others that raising a hand to someone over a disagreement is wrong. She prefers to help build up.

Character Location
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Jade green
Tan brown with bars on wrist and ankles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

The first few weeks
13th day at the font

I found the Journal I got in the other city.   I hate referring to it like that, but somehow naming it hurts. It's been less than a two weeks since we have arrived here and so much has happened.   We found ourselves pulled through the Font, which is what we have taken to calling our little plateau that sits n the bay, and promptly the thing we theorized had pulled us through turned into a Dragon shaped chunk of Obsidian. With no where to go, and shortly finding out that living shadows haunt the City at night, we pulled up the Seven bridges and have settled around the pool in the center of the Font, our tents placed next to the monuments and in the gardens.   During the day we have begun to go out into the city to look for food and check monuments. At night we try to figure out where we are. Victor has taken to studying Crystals with a new friend, a young woman named Mirage. They have determined they are magical, and bind to people, but other than that they haven't told me much more. Though they brought home a whole construct one night.   Speaking of Mirage, they are apparently from a world where Magic was not known until a couple of generations ago. She speaks a bit like someone created confetti out of a thesaurus and put in her mouth, but she seems to be telling the truth. And as frustrating as her self risking behavior is she seems to be good enough Youngling.   There are a lot of people like her who come from worlds that either have low or no magic, and even some people who I recognize but who seem to come from different timelines. Gabbro seems to think the other place succeeded, Bumble like me doesn't know, and Ambrose thinks they fell. The Iruxi seem to come from a completely different place and can barely believe we speak.   Ambrose of course no longer begin a sprite nor male. It is quite weird to call them that and look up at them. And their elf ears are cute. Most of the people I know have been drained, or out right changed, but most of us retain some memory of ourselves and our relationships.   We have gotten quiet a bit of scrap, and most of the group has been focused on creating a barricade so they are keeping busy in between getting food. Lately though a hurricane has swept to the north of us. During this we tried to collect wood, but we captured a Sprite, the first native creature that has sentence.   Krokkin promptly was rough with it. I may have gotten angry enough to strom off. I fear that with my weakening I may have


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