The Acropolis

The Acropolis is a small community that is forming around the summoning site for The heroes,and is currently operating as their home base.
  There is a large rectangular font in the center, the waters of which are healing and can perform miracles. The font is surrounded by eight temples, one for each god of the main pantheon.
  The Acropolis is surrounded by the Bay of Tears.


The Font is defensible in the sense that the bridges can be turned off by those on the font when not in used. Because of it's location in the Harbor and the sheer cliffs that surround the living area there is little fear that, unless the bridges are left up, anything will attack currently.


There are currently Four Districts for the Font.   
The Font North
The north of the Font seems to be the primary gathering place for food production and item storage as well as the meeting place of those seeking medical attention. The most notable features are the Obsidian dragon that is currently positioned a the end of the Reflecting pool. For the moment this area holds six significant locations.  
  • Medical Tent
  • Cahlt's Grove
  • Tira's Tent
  • Excidium's Tent
  • Scrap pile

  •   The Font South
    A more secluded part of the font this is an area that is yet to be developed by the heroes. As of this moment it holds only one place of significance.  
  • Noriko's tent.

  •   The Font West
    A Secluded part of the Font that has yet to be developed by the heroes. It holds no great place of significance.
      The Font East
    A Secluded part of the Font that has yet to be developed by the heroes. It holds no great place of significance.

    Guilds and Factions

    Hellknight - A lawful Military organization that focuses on self discipline in order to meet the challenges ahead. Currently overseen by Lictor Krokkin .   Mithral Dragoons- A Military organization of Martial spell casters whose goal is to be front like and protect their comrades. Currently overseen by Ambrose Silversprout .

    Points of interest

    The Reflecting pool   A pool of Water that stretches nearly the length of the island. It is still, but despite the growth around it seems to have not become stagnate. It is shallow, no more than three feet of water,   The Obsidian Dragon
    The Remains of the creature that summoned you here using the power of a set of Crystals. Before it was turned to stone it managed to get one last desperate warning out that the place was destroying itself. Now it stands in the North of the Font's Reflecting pool, watching over the Heroes.
      The First Monument
    Not much is known about this location.
      The Second Monument
    Not much is known about this location.
      The Third Monument
    Not much is known about this location.
      The Fourth Monument
    Not much is known about this location.
      The Fifth Monument
    Not much is known about this location.
      The Sixth Monument
    Not much is known about this location.
      The Seventh Monument
    Not much is known about this location.


    The buildings seem to invoke a Greco-roman sensibility, with large marble columns that were, at one time, finely carved scenes that have long since been worn down and covered with vines. Here and there are broken statues and columns that line the reflecting pool and the surrounding gardens. With in the Monument itself many things are broken and smashed, or at the very least violently defaced.    The cliffs of the font have no railings or visible way down other than the 8 large devices that ring the sides of the acropolis that face the city. When activated the bridges create a hardened water bridge that slopes down towards the city.   The other structures on the island are currently tents where the Heroes sleep.


    The Community rests atop an acropolis- A tall, flat plateau surrounded on all sides by sheer cliffs about 200 feet above the water level. Below the cliffs lays a small ring of sand.  The acropolis sits in a small harbor, surrounded on three sides by a city that sprawls out towards the foothills of grey snowy mountains. Rising above the snowy mountains is a single volcano, glowing and smoking.


    The climate for the aera is a rainforest, with warm and temperate climates and a soft breeze blowing in through the area. The sun is there but not the source of day light. Rather the sky illuminates everything in and omnidirectional way, which means any shadows are more liked dappled grey shade. The air shimmers with a myriad of colors. Sun rise and sun set fluctuate wildly throughout the day cycle and at night no stars or moon provide the soft illumination. So far the sky is free of clouds.

    Natural Resources

    Currently there are little natural resources to be had on the Acropolis, save for the six trees that have been grown in Cahlt's orchard.

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