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Esmond Orphic

A bit of a wild card, Esmond was a powerful sorcerer. He had a keen interest in the darker forces and loved to study them. In doing so he forged some of the most powerful spells known today, ex; Psychic scream, finger of death and invulnerability.   A mere human and born a bastard. Life didn't start of easy for this man. He and his mother lived in a smal hut at the outskirts of a village, doing whatever work they could find to earn money for food. Once the boy discovered magic, he was eager to develop it in order to provide for his mother. Before he was able to do so, the mother was killed during a robbery and Esmond was left to fend for himself. The boy was 12.    He became a hermit, living on his own out in the wilds and experimenting with anything he could find. Herbs, potions and new ways to use his magic. His powers never grew strong but they became diverse, enabling him to do incredible things.   Esmond was the last person to join the Founders in their struggle against the Unchained Eclipse. Ishan Ibarin had heard of his abilities and asked for the sorcerers help. Having lived most of his life alone, Esmond was hesitant at first to having to fight and care for anyone else but himself. However, he came through, seeing as he could benefit from being around other powerful spellcaster. He would soon warm up to them and a friendship would be formed.   As Arathorn took shape, Esmond became a very intense teacher. Students adn other instructors enjoyed it on various level.  He was very ambitious and could reach out to people, push them even further beyond their limits. He wasn’t afraid to make mistakes, for he saw progress in failure. It filled him with great pride seeing them do things they themselves didn't believe was possible.    During his short time in the world he managed to impact so many lives, all who showed their gratitude after his passing. His body rests in the catacombs of Arathorn, where wild snapdragons grow all year around on his tomb.
Chaotic Neutral
858 1018
Dark brown
Mohawk tied into a braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.83 m
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements

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