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Mages of Arathorn

Built high up in the Upper Levels are the great halls of Arathorn. The magical forest allowed Ishan, Bemere, Esmond and Drencios to merge their magic to create these great white stone buildings you see still standing strong today. The school and the forest became one. Intertwined. Protecting each other. A major part of the Upper Levels are holding the mages of Arathorn. Here, students learn to use and hone their magical capabilites. All schools of magic are taught as well as extended knowledge on the magical creatures and beings that lives within Emteria. Students wear deep blue cloaks while graduates get to wear white and gold. When a student becomes a fully trained spell-caster, they usually remain at the school to act as guardians. Sometimes mages are sent out to investigate or oversee certain event that may happen around the world and report back to Elder Council, that way Arathorn has always been up to speed with what has happened even though it has been hidden for many centuries.
Founding Date
Education, Magic
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

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