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Guprix Lombard

Master Gurprix is a highly regarded teacher at Arathorn. Although not a member of the Elder Council, he works closely with Ishan Ibarin, his former Master, and serves as his assistant on various missions. He was also in charge of training Trisphyra Lathalas until she graduated.   A lot of pressure was put on Guprix at an early age. His strong magical abilites caught the attention of Arathorn's Council and he was led to believe he might be a child of Selûne. He was a hardworking student, doing very well in all of his exams. Ishan Ibarin took it upon himself to teach the young elf magic. The old wizard always said that Guprix reminded him of Esmond; Always willing to go a little further to achieve the highest quality. The student had great respect for his Master and kept working hard to make him proud.    His efforts were rewarded as the other Founder, Bemere Erstina, suggested Gurpix be sent to oversee the Empress Zoraya in her duties. He is told to keep a close eye on  the Empress' potential suitor Zamadar Belketh, since he is a powerful Arch Mage who hasn't been trained by Arathorn. Gurpix becomes Zoraya's closest assistant, almost a father figure, helping her in diplomatic solutions. At her sudden death, Guprix is heartbroken. He feels like he failed both the Empress and his school. Their is no time for sorrow as the great cataclysm shatters the world and forces him back to Arathorn to help his Master in such a desperate time.    Despite Ishan's efforts, Gurpix agrees with the Elder Council and shuts down all known communications to the outside world. However, he'll be the only one to know of the Principal's decision to keep some connections open behind the Elder Council's back. Out of respect for his Master, Huprix never tells anyone but gets into arguments with Ishan about his decisions.    A few years later, Guprix is put to another test by the Council. As a moon elf and possible child of Selûne, he gets sent away to find the ancient temple of Ithilunar. If he was to find the mythical structures, it would give Arathorn a powerful advantage if they ever where to be attacked. The young elf sees this as his chance to redeem himself after failing Empress Zoraya and heads out.   After many years of searching, all the clues he gathered takes him to the Feywild Jungle. A few days of dangerous travel and he stumbles upon a large pillar with old markings carved into it. Guprix recognized the symbols as those of Selûne and began to desperately search around for the temple. As he investigated, he'd hear a soft humming coming from all around the jungle. Unable to find any more clues, almost driven mad by despair, he admits his defeat and returns to Arathorn a sad and angry man.   The Council deems his abilites best suited for teaching from now on.    His lessons are strict and hards, many students have a fearful respect for him. When Trisphyra arrives and is confirmed to actually be the moon child, Gurpix grows a sense of jealousy inside of him. It makes him angry and resentful to the young child he is now suppose to mentor. It frustrates him even more seeing that she progresses in such a slower pace, way slower than he ever did. But the Council is patient with him, not putting any pressure on her. Feeling the slack of responsibilty, Guprix makes it his daily task to berate Trisphyra about it. Deep inside, he wants her to succeed, but he wants her to do it sooner than later, knowing what she might be capable of.   Their relationship becomes tense. Ishan tries to guide his former pupil but Guprix has a hard time taking it in. Especially after the fact that she's allowed more freedom to hang out with the knight Helon. Guprix get flashbacks from his time with Zoraya and how he lost her to Belketh.   He don't want things to go down the same way again.


General Ismastis

Colleague (Trivial)

Towards Guprix Lombard



Guprix Lombard

Colleague (Trivial)

Towards General Ismastis



Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.92 m
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