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The Republic of Rejuan (Re-juan)

The Republic born from the Eight Golden Mage Cities of Kar after a long bloody conflict with the Kingdom of Rook. Cities and towns all wanted to be part of the Golden Cities, thus growing too large for a small council to administrate by themselves. They decided to create a public council, a senate - where any one man or woman could work their way to become a senator. Thereby creating a double ruled government: The Mage Council & The Senate. Creating a nation of open thinking and prosperity. All races were welcomed to live there by decrees and laws. All (non evil) gods are allowed for worship and servitude. Many guilds of artisans and merchants wanted to share in the open profit. With all kinds of natural resource and good climate - they built an ideal nation of justice and peace (Well almost entirely.) 
The truth is that corruption and evil does find its way in anyway, a problem with such an open nation.
But in the morning sun, there exist organisations set upon rooting out all corruption.

The Dawnkeepers fight against all injustice and evil cults that would ruin the peace. All with the assistance of The Mage Council.


1200 Senators sit at the core. Which of 4 in particular are at the highest seat of power, The 4 Consuls whom each hold the same power. The rest of the system is very much early roman republic-esque with different senators holding different seats with different responsibilities. The more important the responsibility the fewer that hold a seat.
In the event of specific votes between the 4 consuls ending up with a tie they call upon a tiebreaker (One who hold equal vote power) The Archon of the Mage Council, usualy the Archon does not vote on any topic the 4 consuls make unless it directly impacts anything to do with the mage councils business. But in the rare event they tie their votes the Archon is their tiebreaker.

During war time there is an opportunity for the 4 consuls to elect a Dictator, one who holds all power in matters of war during war time. But if a Dictator is arisen to power the Archon of the Mage Council also gets additional power as they also hold a power station during war time. Thereby decreasing the risk of a Dictator going outside of reasonable law.


This nation is so incorporated into different cultures that its because the pro norm. Its extremely open to foreigners because of the wide diversity in culture and religions set about in the country. There are occasional squabbles between groups but the regularity is that people dont bat an eye about seeing the more uncommon races living next to them. The majority of the widespread population however is human with about 18% followed by the regular half elves, dwarves, elves, halflings & gnomes. But even the more uncommon races can take up about 1-5% of the population. A free nation for the commoners, where anyone can work their way up - free of slavery, open religious practices.

Public Agenda

The safeguarding of their freedom and way of life is the core concept upon which this nation was built and so far it has held strong. To keep a government that holds equal power for the good of the people rather than one tyrant to rule everyone. Laws built upon fairness and truth. Where every one humanoid can be their own.


Nation Wealth: Very Rich
Well equipped and supplied troops. Rough Estimates of military strength. 10000 Rejgarde (Local Militia Police)
16000 Infantrymen - 10000 Cavalrymen - 1000 Aeirial Cavalry - 766 Ships.
Holding strategic checkpoints through the nation stand (at least) - 3 Forts - 16 Keeps


The Eight Golden Cities of Kar founded 2701 - Towns and Villages joining - 2714 - War with The Kingdom of Rook (Other small nations and free cities join Kar)  2729 - The War Ends with no real winner. - The Mage Council realizes its grown too large to be governed by a small council - 2730 - The Republic is Born after citizens and former politicians are enlisted to serve as senators. - 2878 - The Rejuan Republic still stands strong even this day.

The Republic of Justice

A Nation with plenty of grain produce. The farms of Rejuan stretch to the extremes. The nice climate has given a perfect opportunity for farmers, growing all kinds of produce. Wheat and Wine are two of the biggest exports of the Republic.
With plenty of natural forests around - lumber is never a problem. In recent years ca (2878) New leaders of nature have taken great steps to creating a renewable system of deforestation and replantation.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Republic, The Golden Cities
Set aside the other production - The mines of copper and tin earn plenty of money and the amount of natural marble gives a nice artistical architecture to many towns.
Seeing as how its also a great nation of sea - the amount of fish and trade export and import never waver with trade ships always bringing in exotic trade goods from the rest of the world, while exporting great amounts of wine.

Non Aggresive - Defensive pact.

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