Bennu Phoenix

The Bennu is both a sacred animal and favorite beast of Lithmor herself, often a symbol of Raet in Netjer Pesedjet alongside the Axex. Able to heal itself using radiant energy, this rare and long lived bird makes its home almost exclusively within Dawn Ahrayn and Kemet. They especially enjoy bathing themselves in the glittering waterways of this ethereal paradise at dawn. Proud, arrogant and regal, Bennu demand respect and luxury as they are fully aware of their own grandeur and beauty. In art and regalia, they symbolize renewal, the sun, longevity, royalty, resurrection and paradise and their remains are practically priceless for use in Material Magic or True Magic if not heretical. Most Bennu reside within Dawn Ahrayn, brightening the gardens of this radiant city and acting as both guardians and messengers for Rithaldis as they easily come and go from her elemental plane. The cultists watching over Dawn Ahrayn, members of Zalag Ennun, care for and pamper these birds, serving them seared fish dressed with rare and aromatic herbs, oils and spices.

He had the most wonderful voice.
Indeed, it seemed that he was the king of all the birds.
For all of them
Followed behind him in fear.
He strode in front, like an exultant bull,
Lifting his foot in swift step.
— Ezekiel, "Exodus"

Tertiary Predator





Rithaldis' Rebirth
This is a rare and unique manifestation that is often confused with Diet. Like Diet, those with Rithaldis's Rebirth are able to consume and absorb radiant energy and use it to heal themselves. This radiant energy can take the form of strong sunlight, solar plasma or even ionizing radiation. They cannot be harmed by radiant energy and this manifestation allows them to heal from any injury, even if they are on the brink of death, so long as the radiant energy is strong enough. It isn't uncommon to see these birds fly into minature suns of Shamsi Desert or the sunny waters of al-Nil River in order to refresh themselves.
Rithaldis' Step
Those with Rithaldis's Step can enter and exit Rithaldis' Plane via portals and travel the plane freely, without injury or impediment. They can also bring others with them while maintaining contact. Portals are instances of strong sunlight, solar plasma or ionizing radiation in their environment large enough to fit through. Bennu are capable of travelling large distances using the plane, considered a herald and messenger of Rithaldis herself, appearing before worthy rulers to deliver her desires or instruction.


1700 years
6.6 ft
2 m
9.9 ft
2.7 m
7.9 in
20 cm
9.4 in
24 cm
Bennu have red and golden feathers, the body of an eagle and a long neck with white feathers. They have long, wispy tailfeathers resembling a peackock but most notable is its seven feathered crest. These can be spread to resemble a golden halo, shining like the sun. Chicks have a blue-gray and white coloration with rosy legs.



Bennu are picky eaters, the chick in particular only accepting specific fish seared and flavored by aromatic spices. Equally important as food, they need to spend considerable time in strong sunlight to mature! Ever regal, adults are provided a similar meal by the guardians of Dawn Ahrayn but will also hunt select breeds of fish found only within Rithaldis' Plane. These diurnal predators remain motionless in shallow waters, appearing statuesque as they watch for passing prey. When spotted the Bennu spear the fish with their long beaks and swallow the fish whole! They have a preference for large fish, ignoring smaller game and eating two to three times a day.

Life Cycle



The mating habits of bennu remain a mystery but they will only breed once every 500 years. Travelling through Rithaldis' Plane, a female begins her journey in Arabiyyah, collecting a ball of myrrh and carrying this into Kemet. She molds this ball of myrrh into a nest in the temple to Raet and lays a single egg inside. Temple attendants perform a sacred ritual, converting the nest into a single, miniature sun. If performed correctly, the mother will depart and leave the care of her egg to the temple attendents, carefully guarded by a pair of Axex. The egg incubates until the sun peters out, at which time the chick emerges. The chick will be cared for as a sacred link to Raet for 125 years before rejoining its mother in Dawn Ahrayn


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