Grusha Morozov

As seen in

Lady Grusha Morozov

Noble, Heir of
House Morozov
16 years
Ranged Division
Control Division
Full Ranged Combatant
Control Support
Dual Swords


Rylmer's Aura

AI generated wombodream by Lee Stepp
With Rylmar's Aura, Grusha can summon blizzards with herself as the center. It uses less energy to create one in moist, cold or humid environments. These disappear once she ceases her summoning. Effects include freezing temperatures, snow and intense winds capable of inflicting frostbite or pushing foes around. She directs this ability with her swords. Grusha is also immune to any damage, inconvenience or impediment from blizzard conditions magical or natural, unbothered by the cold or harsh winds!
Gokmar's Body
(Blue Diamond)

Thanks to Gokmar's Body, Grusha's magic form converts her entire body into blue diamond. She can also merge with or travel along other minerals before reforming elsewhere. Because she isn't a divine descendant, she can only maintain a full transformation for a short time, usually converting only parts of herself such as her limbs. Useful for both defense and offensive purposes and is very glamorous.

Grusha is the heir of House Morozov, ruling over Rossiya for generations. She is quiet, strategic and calculated, tending to be contemplative and stoic. Completely contrasting this is her best friend, Adamantia Scylla who is bubbly and amicable, the two seeming to do everything together. Grusha lets Ada do the talking for her and enjoys Ada's energy and warmth. Even though Grusha is observant, she doesn't share it with anyone but Ada and can often be seen whispering to her. Sometimes they even seem to be able to communicate just by locking eyes. While Grusha is introverted, she actually thrives in social events, enjoying observing people and eavesdropping when she is overlooked, often going unnoticed despite her flashy attire. She and Ada pick apart the fashion of the court alongside other noble women, most going silent when Grusha has something to share. These two share their passion for fashion, jewelry and generally anything beautiful. In fact, Ada has made a habit of gathering beautiful items such as stones or shells for Grusha's collection and both girls adore giving makeovers!

Combat Style

In battle Grusha uses her aura, which allows her to summon blizzard conditions. She does so to slow or injure opponents, even inflicting hypothermia or frostbite, and to manipulate the battlefield. She will surround herself with icy gales, unbothered by these frigid conditions, and projects them using dual sabers. She is a walking snow storm, utilizing this to push the battle in her favor and wear opponents down --she is a patient, deliberate and strategic opponent! She can even nullify projectiles by intensifying her gales but she prefers to fight with precision and strategy. Her second ability, for which her family is famous, allows her to turn parts of or her entire body into blue diamond. She uses this protectively but is able to use her own body as a weapon when needed.


Cis Female
Skin Tone
Light Blue
Light Blonde,
Extensive and Braided
Rose Ivory

Grusha is tall and stocky with broad but distinct features, carefully poised and clean-kept. She adores jewelry and flashy clothing, adorning them with ample confidence and grace. While socially reserved, she expresses herself through her appearance which is inexhaustably bold. She is especially recognizable by her magic form, transforming any part of her body into blue diamond! She might even use her Aura to keep the air around her chilly, dusting herself with ice crystals—sometimes just to keep people from lingering too close!

Grusha Morozov



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