
One of the Ten Houses of the Kingdom of Accia and one of the kingdom's steadiest suppliers of ore and lumber for the war effort. Their family magic which they are famous for is Gokmar's Body, which allows them to convert their body into diamond, as well as Vekaltor's Aura or Manipulation which allows them to generate or manipulate blizzard conditions. They have maintained a hold over the Burnished Spine long before the kingdom had ever formed, working and directing the operation of the local mines.

This House has always had strong ties with the Scylla family, relying on trade by sea thanks to the unforgiving cold and drastic peaks of their region limiting steady trade by land. They have provided ample supplies for the war effort in return for the plentiful food the valley is able to produce, blessed by Oril. They have warred with the Stahlmann House in the past quite frequently, bickering over the borders and mines both families lay claim to. Even while serving the kingdom together, they hardly get along. Their House is quite alarmed with the Stahlmann's recent growing influence, fretting alongside others on how to resist the skewing of power.

The Morozov originate from the northernmost reaches of the Burnished Spine. They had ruled their for some time, stretching farther back than any other Accian nation alongside the Scylla. They have their own natural wonder from which they ruled, the Diamond City which is constructed entirely of various kinds of diamonds. This was a favorite location of Ylithuum herself who greatly favored this city when staying in Eluziar. They are still a very rich family and their diamond form comes with incredible benefits. They are known to have very wealthy and extravagant tastes and to be quite shrewd in judging allies. Their current heir, Grusha Morozov, certainly lives up to this standard.

Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


Both of these families and the regions they control rely on each other extensively much like with the Scylla. The Morozov control the mines which supply Accia with most of its ore and lumber. The Scylla act as an intermediary between these two, transporting and guarding the trade of goods between these two regions. The Morozov rely on the Espina and various other agricultural producers in the valley, the Espina acting as the point of trade making sure all parties receive what they need and is a vital point of trade the whole kingdom relies on to function fully. This trade only flourishes further as the kingdom continues its conquest.


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