House Minx in Emynea | World Anvil

House Minx

Suggested Audio

Lorekeeper Grove

Tia sleeps for nearly two days, waking in the afternoon. Still sore, she takes a much appreciated bath before making her way downstairs.

Tia Disguised

You can stay up here.
Tia informs Duff before closing the door, who is hardly reluctant to remain curled up in the soft bedding

Tia wanders into the main hall of the manor. One grand U-shaped table is the centerpiece of the spacious room and two grand stair cases lead to the upper balcony straddling the second floor, hovering over the lower entrance to the hall and opposite the fireplace. The entrances to the manor's bedchambers line these walls before giving way to a vaulted ceiling. Polished tiles make up the floor and are dressed with elaborate carpets. The walls are home to tapestries, paintings and even bookshelves, all leading to a grand fireplace flanked on both sides by stained glass doors. One other set of doors sit along the left side of the hall. A pair of armchairs face the fireplace just past the grand table and a number of sofas and tables line the walls here and there. Evelyn is waiting for her by the fireplace, seeming to have been reading. Her face lights up as Tia descends. Tia is still surprised and nervous, unsure of how to interact properly with her unexpected new relation, grasping and scrunching the cloth of her dress.

Oh, don't be nervous!
Evelyn insists with an eager smile

You can relax, dear.

Evelyn Smile

She gestures for Tia to sit in the padded chair adjacent to her. The stuffing is thick and Tia sinks into the satin gratefully.

Tia Disguised Concern

Thank you... uhhh
Tia hesitates

My name is Evelyn
she states politely, enunciating her words well at all times

But you can call me Grandma, Granny, Nana or whatever you like!
Evelyn seems overwhelmingly pleased with any of the suggested titles

Evelyn Proud

Could I call you... baa-chan...?
Tia questions with some embarrassment

Is that...?
Evelyn questions with a wavering smile

Evelyn Shocked

Tia Disguise Surprised

It-it means grandma!
Tia is quick to inform her

In Nihongo. Is that okay?

Of course, dear.
Evelyn agrees, stifling a sigh and regaining her smile

As I said, whatever youl like!

Evelyn Smile

Tia Disguised

Are you... always in your form?
Tia questions, her eyes sticking on Evelyn's ears
Evelyn hums at first

Oh, yes! I often forget the two are separate at all, really. Our family's magic is something to be very proud of, dear!
she explains readily

It's quite special. Has your father not told you anything about our family?

Evelyn Neutral

Tia Disguised

I didn't know I had more family aside from my parents and... and mom's family, not that I ever saw them at all...
Tia admits, frowning. She shakes the thought away and looks pointedly at their lavished surroundings.

It's all been a surprise.

Evelyn makes a sour face thinking of Allen's predilection for surprises, closing her eyes and pitying Tia for that lot.

That boy… of course he didn't!
Evelyn's sigh carries irritation

I think he rather doesn't like being a part of this family, which is such a shame. Not everyone is as fortunate and blessed as we are!
She pauses in consideration

Here, follow me.

Evelyn Angry

Evelyn rises from the chair and steps swiftly along the east wall, stopping before a tapestry. A large emblem is the centerpiece of the tapestry and Tia recognizes it as the family crest. She hadn't seen it so large before and could now make out a creature comprising much of the image.


Evelyn reaches out and her fingers graze the two animals embroidered to the left and right of the emblem. On the right is a bob-tailed feline with fur-tipped ears and on the left is a falcon with spotted wings.

Do you know where our family name comes from?
Evelyn asks and Tia shakes her head. Evelyn explains slowly and clearly.

We are named after the creature our racial magic grants us the features of, the Minx. It is native to the Lacuna Heath of the Tenebrous Chain, which is amid our holdings.

Evelyn Neutral

Tia Disguised

What is... a holding?
Tia asks Duff

The King gave your family the land in that region.

Duff offers a curt explanation after an irritable sigh but Tia has trouble wrapping her mind around the concept

Their wealth stems from that.

Duff Neutral

Like a number of beasts in our world,
Evelyn continues

Lunil blessed this creature with features of a secondary animal as half of its racial magic. It is called a Minx because it is a lynx with the features of a merlin, a kind of falcon.

Evelyn Neutral

Tia Disguised

That's where the ears and wings come from?
Tia questions and Evelyn nods gently before plucking up a book from a desk below the tapestry. She flips it open and shows Tia an image.

Generally, a minx has the hindquarters of a falcon, wings and the front portion of a lynx. Interestingly,
Evelyn continues, inflecting upwards

The minx has the optical capabilities of both creatures. Excellent color perception, superb eyesight and night vision!

Evelyn Neutral

Tia Disguised

Do we always have the same features?
Tia asks

Most of the time but not always
Evelyn sighs, seemingly frustrated

Most of us have two or more features, one from each animal, but which features you inherit are up to chance! The wings are fairly typical, however...

Evelyn Sad

Evelyn snaps the book shut and chuckles

I once had a boy with nothing but whiskers and little bird legs!

Evelyn Proud

Evelyn replaces the book carefully and continues towards the fireplace at the end of the hall. The wall they pass is decorated with various portraits, presumably her ancestors, with different combinations of minx features.

The minx is an apex predator of the heathlands which gave our family quite the advantage!
Evelyn continues, bragging shamelessly

Flight, claws, fangs, excellent vision and hearing, aerial agility and speed—we could even inherent a second racial magic in addition to all of this! Our ancestors quickly distinguished themselves in battle and earned our current station.

Evelyn Neutral

She pauses and stares wistfully at the final portrait above the mantle. In it, Evelyn places a hand on the shoulder of a teenage girl with slate hair. She stands between Evelyn and Allen, perhaps in his early twenties.

Is that...?
Tia implies

Evelyn answers with an appreciative smile

That is your father, myself and your aunt Felicity—you'll get a chance to meet her later.

Evelyn Smile

Tia frowns at the painting of her father. His expression is stern and his eyes are dark and lifeless. She had never seen him so grim, seeming even malignant.

When I married your grandfather,
Evelyn continues, stirring from her own memory

He contributed a very suitable magic to our family line—Beranok's Aura

She half gasps with exuberant pride, as if Tia should understand the meaning.

Evelyn Proud

She motions for Tia to sit again and they both settle in before anything else is said.

Now then, do tell me about yourself, sweetheart!
Evelyn urges, seeming anxious to listen

Evelyn Shocked

Tia Disguised Concern

Um, I mean...
Tia questions haltingly, running her fingers through the ends of her hair

What do you want to know?

Well... what was your life like in Nippon?
Evelyn questions

We know so little about it here, they are so insulated! What was your mother like, what magic did you inherit?

Evelyn Shocked

Tia dons a grudging smile at the mention of her mother

Tia Disguised Emotional

My mom...
Tia states, her tone higher

She's very beautiful. She always knew the right thing to say and she was naturally graceful. I-I'm afraid I'm not much like her.

Tia seems apologetic, mystifying Evelyn. She hadn't allowed herself to think of or talk about her mother, she hadn't a moment to process it in private during their journey. Tia also didn't particularly want to tackle that mountain of emotions. Evelyn gasps and quickly produces a hankerchief from her purse.

I'm sorry, dear!
Evelyn apologizes quickly

You don't have to tell me anything that's going to upset you!

Evelyn Gasp

She offers Tia the fabric. Tia takes it and scowls as she wipes her face. Evelyn shifts uncomfortably into the silence.

Tia Disguised Emotional

I'm sorry.
Tia sniffles

Everything has just been happening so fast...!
Tia observes her grandmother's expression and is surprised to see so much concern

Sometimes I forget she's even gone.

I know I'm a stranger to you
Evelyn states

But my ears are always open to you!
Evelyn gestures to her feline ears with a charming smile, pausing to look Tia over

After all, it is such a treasure finding out you exist!

Evelyn Smile

Tia blushes at the attention but laughs, staring down at the hankerchief

Tia Disguised Angry

My mom left us
Tia's words tumble out numbly before her voice gives over to resent

I don't know why. When I looked up she was just...
Tia gestures with a quivering hand as if reaching for her mother again and then squeezes it shut tightly enough her knuckles go white

She's just gone.

Tia feels tears rolling down her face again and her breath catches. She glares at the teardrops as they wet the fabric. Evelyn's hand hovers over Tia's shoulder a moment, uncertain of the gesture as her hand moves.

I'm... so sorry, dear.
Evelyn comforts awkwardly, finally letting her hand rest on Tia's shoulder. She speaks gently but her eyes conceal anger as well.

Let's think of happier things!
Evelyn suggests with a sharp breath and Tia nods, sniffing back her remaining tears.

Evelyn Emotional

Tia Disguised

You... wanted to know about my form?
Tia asks as she wipes her face
Do not tell her.

Duff stresses carefully, listening in from upstairs

Keeping this secret will keep you safe. Besides…

his tone shifts into stark bitterness

She's an agent of the crown. She may even expose you.

Duff Neutral

Tia hesitates, feeling a chill from that possibility

Tia imagines how Evelyn might react while observing her eager expression. Would her grandmother be disappointed by her original form? Should she even show her birth form or reveal how she has been changed? How did her father expect her to present herself? Tia's eyes catch again on the portrait on the mantle while her mind spins with questions and uncertainties.

Tia Disguised Concern

IIII've got… Dad's magic!
Tia finally answers and Evelyn doesn't make any effort to hide her excitement

Oh, you must show me!
Evelyn gasps, springing up quickly despite her age

Come, come!

Evelyn Proud

Evelyn steps to the left set of stained glass doors with Tia close behind her and flings them open. Wind bursts into the room and before them is a balcony which seems to hang off the edge of the city. Tia loses her breath, dizzy at the open height. She presses markedly against the wall, garnering confusion from her grandmother who stands comfortably against the banister.

Tia Disguised Surprised

I, u-um
Tia stammers and tries to clear her throat

I-I don't actually know how to, uh...
She closes her eyes and focuses

How to fly. I don't know how to fly!

Evelyn squeaks, genuinely shocked, and pauses to grasp even the possibility

I... I'm sorry...

Evelyn Gasp

Evelyn looks side to side, quickly guiding Tia to their left where the balcony falls back into a patio garden. Tia's breath shudders as they enter and she sits on the lip of a simple fountain, recomposing herself. Evelyn gestures for a servant.

Some tea, black for me.
Evelyn waits and looks to Tia

Evelyn Neutral

Tia Disguised Concern

Green tea?
Tia asks and the staff bows slightly before disappearing

In Nippon,
Tia explains

Or at least in the capital, people don't really show their magic form to others. It was considered, um...
She snaps her fingers as the word comes to her

Private. That's how dad worded it.

That's terrible!
Evelyn exclaims, tightening Tia's expression

Evelyn Gasp

Tia Disguise Surprised

Dad was busy at the palace and mom can't fly so...
Tia explains, not entirely a lie, and offers Evelyn a shrug

I never learned how to fly or to use the other… zappy thing.
Tia says, wiggling her fingers

Evelyn shuts her eyes, shaking her head slowly in disbelief with her mouth held open. The servant reappears, moving a small table closer and placing the tray before them. Evelyn stirs in copious amounts of sugar and cream before sipping her tea while Tia blinks at the staff, watching the man disappear without a word. She still found such interactions unsettling.

Evelyn states after placing down her cup

Magic is a part of who we are, and you never learned how to use your own? I've never heard of such a thing... what a ghastly tradition!
Evelyn derides, waving her hand, and Tia meets her sentiment with a scowl

I'm sorry, dear, it's just so… so different!
Evelyn's releases a curt breath

In Accia we are proud of our forms, especially within noble families. Our ancestors were gifted these incredible abilities and we are lucky to inherit them. It is such an important part of our lives and vital to our very survival!

Evelyn Shocked

Tia drinks her tea as is and enjoys the familiar bitter flavor.

Tia Disguised Concern

I don't hate magic
Tia states after drawing in a long sip

I think it's amazing what people can do and some of it is really beautiful!
She holds the cup close, enjoying the heat radiating into her fingers as she considers her experiences thus far

It's actually been one of the better surprises of coming here.
Tia's voice softens, eyes drifting over the garden while her thoughts drift into memory

But I still miss my old life...!

I suppose,
Evelyn sympathizes reluctantly

Everything has been flipped upside down for you.

Evelyn Neutral

Tia Disguised Angry

Nothing is the same!
Tia emphasizes, the sentiment bursting forward breathily

But it's kind of exciting too? In a way, I'm surprised I miss Nippon at all...
She explains solemnly, her voice and expression darkening gradually as she speaks

That city felt like a cage. They all treated me like I didn't belong or, worse, like I didn't exist at all...! I only had one friend.
Tia traces the lip of her mug

I guess it's really him I miss... and my garden, the mountains, my books and my favorite places by the river...

People will always find something to enjoy no matter where they are, especially children.
Evelyn states knowingly

But perhaps you'll find things to love here, too. And if you enjoy books and beautiful places, the kingdom won't disappoint you!

Evelyn Smile

Tia is quiet but listens intently

Our kingdom is vast and cultural, every corner holds something different
Evelyn continues

A bright young woman like you will be swimming in cohorts and comrades. Oh! The adventures you'll have when you come of age!
Tia can't help but laugh at Evelyn's fervent imaginings but is uncertain if such a future awaited her

Now then, no need keep being shy. Let's see your form!
Evelyn requests, a hint of anxiety touching her eyes

Evelyn Proud

Tia feels her face heat up but stands up and to the side regardless, letting herself shift. As her wings and ears emerge, Evelyn investigates Tia's form expertly. Tia is attentive, curious of the old woman's opinion.

Ears and wings have a suitable shape, despite the under-developed muscles. And Beranok's markings seem to cover most of your body...
Evelyn muses, opening and tracing one wing carefully

Evelyn Neutral

She snaps her fingers behind Tia's ears and seems satisfied with the way they flick towards the sound. She walks behind Tia and pauses.

How fortunate,
Evelyn breathes with relief

Very handsome tailfeathers with spectacular length! Good, good...

Evelyn Smile

Tia glances behind and is surprised she hadn't noticed them sooner, lifting and lowering the feathers poking out the end of her dress with fascination. Evelyn looks closely into Tia's eyes.

Brilliant hue!
She exclaims and then gestures to the garden

How do the colors look? Can you focus your eyes?

Evelyn Shocked

Tia Minx Neutral

Tia husks and studies her surroundings.

Tia notices the increased vibrancy for the first time, giving a slight nod as she explores the intense hues.

Can you see the insects on the irises over there?
Evelyn asks, pointing to the other side of the garden

Evelyn Shocked

Tia focuses carefully and her vision actually zooms in, gifting her incredibly detailed vision. Movements amid the flowers quickly draw her attention, honing in on a bee landing on the petals of an iris. Tia beams in response, Evelyn eying her fangs while her teeth are exposed.

Evelyn praises, gleeful

Now, let me see your hands.
She opens her palms to Tia

Evelyn Proud

Tia Minx Alerted

I-I don't really understand how to do the um, sparks.
Tia mutters but offers up her hands anyway.
Evelyn applies careful pressure to her fingertips and, much to Tia's surprise, sharp claws extend out with the pressure.

Tia gasps

She flexes her other hand and gaps at her newfound, natural weapons. She wishes she had these much sooner. Evelyn admires Tia with immense relief.

You really are just like your father!
Evelyn sighs dreamily

Out of all of my children, Allen had the finest form!

Evelyn Smile

Allen Smile

Ah, praise from my own mother
Allen pops in with a mocking tone, sneaking up behind Evelyn

I never thought I'd hear it again!
Evelyn whips around with a disapproving frown, shocked she hadn't heard him approach, but Allen's attention is on his daughter

Allen Smirk

Let me guess,
He questions Tia

She's been pestering you about your form all day and going on about the family?

Evelyn glares at him, answered only by a deadpan expression.

Something you've told her nothing about!
Evelyn derides him, accusatory

How dreadfully unprepared you've left her! However is she to catch up in t-

Evelyn Angry

Allen Angry

She's not some livestock you're putting up for slaughter!
Allen snaps and Evelyn gasps at the analogy. Tia looks back and forth between them, alarmed by the rapid hostility.

And I don't appreciate you inspecting her as if she were. Besides,
Allen pauses to regard his daughter fondly

She learns quickly and is very adaptable!

Well, we're lucky for our resources then!
Evelyn bites

She's going to need tutors and trainers and supplies...
Evelyn lists while looking at the sky

Heavens Allen, you didn't even teach her how to fly!

Evelyn Warning

Tia Minx Glare

I'm right here!
Tia snaps, aggravated by their exchange.

There is a tense silence until Tia's stomach begins to rumble. Allen laughs into Tia's embarrassment.

Come on, let's raid the kitchens!
Allen suggests in a conspiratorial tone

I'll bet they still keep the sweets tucked away in the same place!
Tia grins back at him, to the chagrin of Evelyn, and they all make their way back inside

Allen Grin


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