Anti-Cavity Salve


In the days before the current scientific era, zhasics needed a way to protect their teeth from rot. Nothing like tooth decay because of a cavity! A scientist in ancient Helios discovered a plant with incredible cavity protection qualities. The marhamm plant, a plant with a purple and pink fuzzy flower surrounded by large, round blue-green leaves, was discovered to have chemical composition that bonded with miasma after being crushed and could be brushed onto teeth to protect them from cavities.


The anti-cavity salve is applied to the teeth every six and a half months, allowing for constant protection. However, in modern times, it's still recommended to at least brush your teeth with a tooth cleaning salve once a day to keep up the anti-cavity salve. Just an added layer of protection for the teeth, because sometimes the salve can fail but it is rare.

This salve is not a replacement for the dentist. In fact, typically only dentists can apply the salve correctly. This is simply because dentists need to still check up on your teeth, since it's a major part of a person's overall health. Dentistry isn't seen as some separate, lesser piece of health in most countries across Enaros.

Social Impact

A confidence boost occurred once people were not suffering from tooth rot and decay. People smiled more, were less shy when having their portraits painted, ect. Just like when toothpaste was invented, but better. Oh, and fewer toothaches!

Access & Availability
It is widely available, and in modern times comes in a variety of flavors to protect teeth. The most popular flavors tend to be mint and cinnamon, though there also are other flavors such as cotton candy, bubble gum, lavender, rose, and chocolate.
All that's needed to make the salve is a mortar and pestle, some miasma, and flavoring.
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Fate of Enaros

A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
by Rori
Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link


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