Dusk Plague

Transmission & Vectors

  • The dusk plague transmitted via the air, about as fast as Covid did, as well as contact.
  • The plague becomes infectious within a month
  • Kills within 20-30 years
  • Kills an egg within a month
  • Causes

    This virus was engineered by the Children of the Prophet in order to eradicate the dragons. According to them, dragons are "the devil's creature" and was an offense to their God. They thought if they could eradicate the dragons, it would appease their lord. Some even thought that if they eradicated the dragons, they could return to Earth. Of course, that was a pipe dream but it didn't stop them from trying.


    With eggs, there are no stages—just death.


    Beginning Stage

  • Destroyed egg and sperm
  • The individual loses their ability to reproduce
  • Joint aches

    Middle Stage

  • Dropping body temperatures
  • Loss of fire breath
  • Occasional hallucinations

    End Stage

  • Loss of magic entirely
  • Loss of ability to shape shift into zhasic form
  • Frequent hallucinations as death nears
  • Death
  • Treatment

    Despite Dragon and Zhasic research alike, there was no treatment or cure discovered.



    After heavy research, Dragons and Zhasics alike figured out that to save the dragons' magic abilities, as they were bestowed upon them by the gods, they had to infuse their blood with that of families of their choosing. Dragons searched for the best families to bestow their magic upon. There are numerous families across the planet who were gifted with these dragon abilities. Some abilities are lesser than when they belonged to the dragon, but others are just as strong.

    Between 263 and 307, the first generation of dracids had been born, and in that same timeframe the last of the dragons had been lost to human cruelty.


    Unfortunately all cases resulted in death and the extinction of the dragons.


  • No prevention was found
  • Cultural Reception

    Zhasics across the world were horrified and sad with the infection. They did everything they could to help the dragons research cures and ways to pass on their gods-bestowed magic. In the end, there was no cure but their abilities were able to live on in Dracids. When the last of the dragons passed on, there was a global day of mourning for their scaled bretheren they loved so dear.

    Members of the Children of the Prophet, however, celebrated the disease they created. Celebrations by the cult resulted when the dragons were officially extinct. Though many were sorely disappointed that no way back to Earth occurred. The Council of Sorcerers did everything they could to cover up the fact that the Children of the Prophet were the ones behind the extinction event. However, Lysander Beservera was able to find this information out on his own and was going to publish this with the crimes committed by the Council of Sorcerers/Things they covered up but unfortunately was murdered before then.

    Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
    Affected Species
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    Fate of Enaros

    A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
    by Rori
    Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
    Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link


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