Illusion Tags


Researchers needed a more stable way to hide buildings in plain sight, as sometimes building a new place and/or building into existing natural structures can be costly, dangerous, and sometimes impractical. Inspired by fictional media from Earth, researchers looked into the use of seal tags and how to implement them for tactical use. Eventually, a Iucharian scientist working with a Vininsian scientist discovered the way to infuse a user's miasma and intentions within a seal and it allowed for people to cast massive illusions without draining an individual in their entirety.



These are usually only utilized by military and Intelligence forces in efforts to protect secret bases or to protect civilians occasionally, although the latter is rather rare. These were used to protect the base in Bhalgolar during the events of Kaedan's Injury in Inarora Short Stories . Unfortunately, if someone were to spy on the base such as what happened in the story, they can see where the person they are following may be going. As what occurred to the code breaking team.



The seal itself is a piece of parchment infused with miasma to project an illusion on the desired target. The bigger the target, however, the more seals needed. The seal is maintained every twelve hours by designated guards who infuse their miasma with the seal. Depending on the amount of seals used for protecting the target, it is likely to drain a magic user's miasma.

Social Impact

The illusion tags gave the Rhanalanian Liberation Front a boost during the Second Intra-Continental War, giving them a way to hide certain bases. Although the base in Bhalgolar did not survive, the other bases survived and were never discovered thanks to this technology. It may be one of the many reasons the war remained in the favor of the Liberation Front.

A graphic of a seal with a geometric pattern on it and a simple smoke cartoon behind it.
by Seraph Abell using Canva Stock
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Fate of Enaros

A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
by Rori
Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link


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