Sareng Nlantrî

The Sareng Nlantrî is a cavern system within the Torobi Mountain Chain that is considered a popular tourist destination in the Endinsian continent. Inside is a subterranean lake and waterfall named 'Alarity Lake', named after the goddess of fresh water and rainbows; a 'hall' of stalactites and stalagmites named 'Tahwni Llōnl', or the Tawhni Curtains; walls upon walls of flowstone and the most well-known curtains of flowstone can be found in the northeast part of the cavern, named the Sindhântaltri Llōnl; and the Irouh Column, a formation of stalactites and stalagmites which grew until the ends met.

Natural Resources

  • Calcite
  • Naturally purified water
  • Selenite formations
  • Tourism

    The Sareng Nlantrî is visited by millions between folks across the Endinsian continent and nearby countries. The local populations visit via train and thus don't typically stay anywhere since it's typically a daytime visit. Non-local populations stay in hotels in the surrounding areas, typically in Naen Ryana and Ahlm Mor.




    Alarity Lake

    Photograph of a subterranean waterfall pouring into a subterranean lake. The image intself is pretty dark and the waterfall seems to be illuminated by sunlight coming from cracks above it.
    A waterfall in a cave in Slovenia by Photographer Simon S.

    A crystal clear subterranean lake with a waterfall. It is said Alarity watches over the lake and if a person is lucky enough, she might even bless a person with a 'song' of the lake. No one is exactly sure what causes the ethereal hum, but the only explanation anyone has ever been able to come up with is something to do with an individual's miasma interacting with the miasma sink within the cave. Still only a theory, though.


    Tahwni Llōnl

    A part of the cave with thick curtains of stalactites. In the middle of all the stalactites is the Irouh column, where the stalactites and stalagmites formed in such a way they did, in fact, end up meeting.


    Sindhântaltri Llōnl

    The most well formed set of flowstone draperies in the cavern system. These flowstones make a bell-like sound when struck by an individual's hands. There are certainly other flowstone draperies in this system, but none as unique as the Sindhântaltri Llōnl.

    Cave System
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    Fate of Enaros

    A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
    by Rori
    Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
    Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link


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