Vy'lantia City, Hampton


  • Humans ~ 69%
  • Kharg ~ 8.5
  • Dhaidin ~ 8.5
  • Eathys ~ 6.5
  • Elf ~ 7.5
  • Districts

    North Vy'lantia

    North Vy'lantia, which is really 'Northeastern Vy'lantia', has the most displaced original Ph'tani left in the western part of Corporate Naa'ran. This district is nicknamed the 'Ph'tani Ghetto' due to the fact that the Ph'tani were forced out of their homes and shoved into a corner of the continent so the Corporate Naa'rani government can ignore them.

    It is considered one of the poorest districts in the state of Hampton.

    Jenya Bridge

    A small quarter in Vy'antia close to the Jenya bridge east of Vylantia. To enter the northern quarter, the easiest route is the tolled bridge by the Vy'lantia River. Unfortunately, it involves tolls of nearly $2 in Naa'rani dollars. (Equivalent of $2.89 in American dollars. That's a lot!) This is the poorest part of the city by far. Although struck with gorgeous riverside scenery, it still is a contrast to the rest of the city and is the most avoided part.


    The historic part of the city, mixed with ancient American architecture and original Ph'tani architecture. This is a result of the blend that occurred as the humans took over the continent, trying to assimilate the original inhabitants. This part of the city is also home to the Ghent nature park, famous for its beautiful trees and serene trail.

    South Vylantia

    Like its northern counterpart, South Vy'lantia should really be 'southwestern' Vy'lantia, given it's diagonal from North Vyl'antia to the west. This part of the district is the party district, which is a stark contrast to its northern counterpart. The people in the south like to pretend the northern section does not exist.

    Western Shores

    The part of Vylantia bordering the beautiful beaches. Parties are had at all hours of the day on the beachfront, sports are played in every part of town. There's a baseball field in the eastern part, a beach volleyball field on the (actual) north end of the beach. This is the richest part of the city, and there is a lot of beachfront property. And only a quarter of them are actually mansions. Do with that information what you will.

    City Main

    No one ever said humans were creative. This is the main part of the city, featuring a large shopping district, bars, brothels, and a casino that towers over the region. It stands close to the border of North Vy'lantia, forever mocking the less fortunate and poor families of the northern districts. Of course, all the good hotels are a good 10-15 minutes away, as well. Some say the casino was specifically built close to the border by the humans to make fun of the poor folk, but no one will ever confirm or deny it. Instead, it can only be presumed to be the intention.

    Points of interest

  • Dhathara Casino
  • As mentioned earlier, this sits not even ten minutes away from the border with the northern districts. This casino brings in hundreds millions of dollars in revenue. It rakes in about $250 billion in American dollars for comparison.
  • - Oceana Beach
  • Beach, what more can I say?
  • also has statues of Earthen sea gods such as Neptune, Susano-ō-no-Mikoto, and Ægir, amongst others. Although, Neptune is a much beloved sea deity.
  • Has festivals celebrating the ocean and human culture
  • SUNSETS????
  • Ghent Nature Park
  • A nature park filled with native flora and fauna.
  • Hiking destination
  • Photoshoot destination too
  • Heirloom Gentleman's Club
  • Most popular brothel
  • One of the few that employs humans and non-humans equally
  • Tourism

    For the most part tourists are typically rich partygoers, spring or summer breakers, and people who simply love beaches. Or, all of the above in many cases.


    It is a subtropical climate, given where it is in regards to the equator. During the summer, it's hot and humid while in the winter it's mild to sometimes cold. It does see elevated risks of severe weather, however. Additionally, it does have elevated risk of hurricanes.

    Alternative Name(s)
    Vy'lantia, City of Neptune, City of Duality
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    Fate of Enaros

    A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
    by Rori
    Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
    Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link

    Cover image: by Seraph Abell using Canva Stock


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