Dreidmont Settlement in Encarcia | World Anvil
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Dreidmont is a small town at the Crossroads from the University and Fort Dragon's Ire with Fjord Wyatpose. Ruled over as an Earldom, Dreidmont has little going for it specifically. It is not on a major trade network, it is almost all farms, and doesn't have a reputation for skilled artisans or crafters.


Demographic skew heavily to the lower class, though rarely does it drop below the poverty line.


The Earl of Dreidmont has started trying to tax the passage of goods from the University to the Capital, but has met little luck. Thankfully the imposition of a room tax at the Inn while, grumbled at, is fought less often.


The roads and Fort Dragon's Eye are the responsibility of Earl Bontie, no other major infrastructure has been built in this region.


There's the inner city and the Farms. Travel between is not only allowed, but expected.


Originally just a village Dreidmont was elevated to a Earldom so the Duke of Seville wouldn't need to oversee 2 Forts at the same time.
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