Kingdom of Amur Organization in Encarcia | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Amur

The Kingdom of Amur was founded during the reign of the Dragon Council. The lands allowed to it, being mostly fertile farmland, did not encourage much industrialization and there has been no organized public education. The aristocracy and plutocracy have organized a few small private schools that are "technically" open to the public.




Founded by the Amur when the Giants were exiled, and allowed to rule this part of the land as underking to the Dragon Council the Kingdom of Amur takes up the entirety of the Plains of Systhwoden and they Claim all of the River Kilbaen. The region was know as the Plains of Systhwoden by the Giants and has been attempted to be rebranded by the Kingdom on multiple occasions in an attempt to solidify their claim to the land. outwardly knowing only peace since it's founding the Kingdom has been a great mixing soup, Home to nearly as many Humans as Dwarfs, or Elves. Dragonborn, Gnomes, Firbolg, and Halflings are common if not quite as numerous. Most other Races have representation if not necessarily a heavy presence.

Demography and Population

Home to nearly as many Humans as Dwarfs, or Elves. Dragonborn, Gnomes, Firbolg, and Halflings are common if not quite as numerous. Most other Races have representation if not necessarily a heavy presence.


The Kingdom of Amur holds all of the Plains of Systhwoden, as well as River Kilbaen, and The Wastes of Forbidden Memory. Though no one travels into The Wastes of Forbidden Memory, so its a claim that is not frequently acknowledged.


The military is technically controlled by the King, with his Nobles to act as Generals and other high officers. On a more day to day the citizen officers of Major and below usually handle the decisions.
The Army is usually used for civil service and is considered a fairly decent living so long as the country is not at War with The Motherland and your not assigned to watch The Wastes of Forbidden Memory.
  The Navy is quite accomplished and responsible for most of the anti-pirate activity around the continent and to the Western Isles. While not as preferred by most as the Army the pay is slightly better and the chance to travel is a major draw.  
 The Airforce is a new branch and is a response to Sky Piracy. The exact nature of how they will prevent the piracy is still being determined.


Only the Prime Deities are legally worshiped. Erathis, Pelor, and Melora are the chief worshipped, but most of the Prime Deities are given at least their holiday. Being found to worship one of the Betrayer Gods results in jail time at the least. The Churches and Temples hold only the power that the people give them.  They are not officially recognized as part of the power structure, but the nobility acknowledges the power over the people they hold, and at least attempts keep good relations.

Foreign Relations

The Kingdom of Amur is well open to diplomacy. They have Standing rooms for any Ambassador in the castle, and if a nation were to want to build an Embassy they are welcome to do so.

Agriculture & Industry

Almost the entirety of the Kingdom is rich farmland, good agricultural practices and something about the land itself allows crops to grow faster than usual. A full 90% of the farmed agricultural goods of the continent come from this country. In the areas less suited for regular crops, such as by the Wastes of Forbidden Memory and the Hills of Dumin, small industries have started. Attracting Artificers and Tinkerers, Refiners and Extractors, even a few High Mages, the University of Adaptive Learning is the star of their industry.

Trade & Transport

Most continental trade is done road, the Kingdom maintains all roads in their land as well as those going to the capital of the neighboring nations. The Cities of New Haven trade via Sea route, as do the Elemental Isles and the Western Isles. The Skyport is sometimes used for Trade with other continents of Encarcia as it is faster than by Sea, though also more expensive.


Most commoners are educated by their family and neighbors. They obtain about an 8th grade education. The Nobility along with the wealthy merchant families have started the University of Adaptive Learning in the Southwest and while it is still being fully established, it is expect to bring up to a collegiate level of learning that was otherwise only available at great cost to the nobility.


The countries infrastructure is well utilized and thus some effort and expense is put into maintaining it. All Major cities have full sewage systems, and the roads that connect them is well maintained. The smaller villages and hamlets are not as well kept but not forgotten either. Several Forts exist to the East and are very well maintained.

Truth is Freedom

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Gold Marks
Silver Blips
Copper Crimps
Major Exports
Food stuffs are the primary Export; Grains, Root vegetables/Tubers, Vine and bush fruits, as well as some fruit trees.
Major Imports
Wood is imported from the Seiswaiegn Forest. Metal and Artisanry from the  Republic of Durost and The Motherland. Exotic goods are imported from the Cities of New Haven, and the Elemental Isles.
Legislative Body
Legislation is dictated by the King. Though a noble may petition to have a law reviewed or considered, it is the Kings discretion as to whether or not it becomes law.
Judicial Body
Most laws are interpreted by the ranking nobility for the region in which the crime is commited
Executive Body
The Executive body is whomever the local nobility appoints to enforce the laws. This usually consists of detaining and bringing in people for the Lord or Ladies decision.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations


The most recent direct relations was when King Stophmire Lionsmane came to vacation. While he  enjoyed his time their he didn't leave a good impression. Only because of the efforts of Queen Hanna Dreimond are relations not worse.

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