Furthaignville Settlement in Encarcia | World Anvil
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Furthaignville is the city founded by the original Duke Furthaign. Set on a idyllic lake, at the end of most trade routes, Furthaignville should be a calm and relaxing place to retire to. However Furthaignshire is as a duchy is over taxed and does not have the diversity of income to satisfy the Duke.


With little middle class, a large poor population and over 30% below the poverty line Furthaignville is worst in the country for disparity among its demographics.


The Duke is cruel with his taxation. if you cannot pay, your property may be seized and if you do not have property you made be forced to pay your debt through manual labor.


With practically no defenses the town has never needed them and anticipates they never will.

Industry & Trade

No particular industries, Furthaignshire is the larges of the Duchies and has most food stuffs for sale.


Little public infrastructure exists, even with forced labor, most of eh manhours are put towards the private estates of the Duke and his favored nobles.


The rich district sits at the Top of the Hill. The rich have their own sections for almost any aspect. The poor are not allowed in to the rich districts and being caught on the wrong side of the wall is an offense punishable by forced labor.


A large amount of wealth is owned by the nobility and the merchants that buddy up to them.


Founded by the original Duke Furthaign, it was named after his favorite convention, himself.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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