Botan (Bow-Tawn)

Ra'Botan Mia

Botan is a patient and talented Monk from the northern mountain monasteries in the lands now fully controlled by the Yonzu Empire. When the Empire first emerged over a century ago it was long believed that the reclusive Monks of his order would be unaffected by the rapid, ambitious expansion. This was ultimately proven to be a woefully mistake when one dreadful night the Empire's legions stormed Botan's ancestorial home, slaughtering his people and obliterating his order.   Luckily, an unknown Monk was able to escape with the infant Botan and traverse the snowy fields of Bothia to find passage bound for the southern shores of the Kingdom of Fandaniel. However, by some perverse fate, the lands they had fled to for safety was in the dire midst of its own bloody struggle. Botan does not know what happened to his savior during the chaos of his arrival and all he has of his existence is a scroll of their extinct order's martial teachings signed with a single word and a name: "Survive, Ra'Botan." Having no name of his own, he adopted the one written on the scroll and the surname "Mia" - which translates to "Survivor" in Tabaxi.   Botan spent the rest of his formative years a refugee and street urchin - like many other Tabaxi who had to flee the Empire and could not expect aide from a foreign nation already struggling to provide for its own people - obsessively studying the scroll's teachings, learning skills and abilities which helped elevate him above the other misfortunate souls struggling to survive among the densely shared squalor. This instilled a strong sense of responsibility in Botan, who now believes the message "Survive" was not only meant for him but anyone being oppressed, and so he offered his skills up freely to those in need.   It was then he understood his calling, and why that Monk chose him from all the other children of his doomed monastery, he was to become an instructor for those wanting to defend themselves and others. Arriving at the steps to Danrest University, it would turn out that there is more to becoming a professor at the prestigious adventurer's college than being really good at punches and flips. And so Botan found himself a student yet again, except this time he has more than just a roll of paper to show him the way.
Year of Birth
1979 24C 43 Years old
Aligned Organization