Discoveries Within Abandoned Warforged Facility in Encopia | World Anvil

Discoveries Within Abandoned Warforged Facility

Gilis Thegeiros' Notebook

This notebook, found within a hidden facility beneth an ancient tree teeming with Tangle energy, was owned by the lead scientist of this facility, Gilis Thegeiros - the Speaker of Force and inventor of the Warforge. On the cover it reads: “Draygon Industries – Automata Development Division.” The entries within recant his experiments on modern Kender revealing they did not come about naturalls, and instead evolved from a race of synthetic organics created long ago for some unknown purpose. The discoveries from this research lead to the invention of the Warforged, and necessitated the use of Tangle energy in the creation of "Unit-Y," a complex program to control the Legion as a single unified force.

Notable Entries

  • 1968 AC: This journey of developing autonomous soldiers has led me to the most peculiar of subjects: the Kender. Their unique sociocultural traits suggest a design rather than natural evolution—specifically, their notorious disregard for personal property and peculiar social conduct. Initial hypotheses posited that these behaviors might be remnants of 'programming'. Ancient texts predating our oldest records that we have collected during our research on the subject provide references that support this hypothesis.
  • 1969 AC: While we are still unable to perfectly replicate their design, the insights garnered from our extensive research into the Kender race have catalyzed into a monumental breakthrough. These Kender are truly a marvel, with their enigmatic blend of organic and synthetic origins, providing an unparalleled case study. We have succeeded in manufacturing a construct, facilitated by the transference of animus into a dormant metal golem we have been calling “Unit-Z,” that I will now collectively refer to as “Warforged.” However, while the infusion process imbues these constructs with a semblance of life, they remain, for lack of a better term, unrulily — capable of basic functions but exhibit a profound lack of responsiveness and direction. Each construct struggles with following commands and performing tasks unless piloted individually, providing little more utility than your standard golem. This challenge has led to the development of a centralized control mechanism we are referring to as “Unit-Y.” However, the running of such a complex network will require us to tap into the facilities’ energy source – The Tangle.
  • 1972 AC: Today's log marks a curious development in the operation of the Unit-Y System, the centralized control program for our legion of Warforged soldiers. In recent weeks, we've observed anomalies in its behavior—subroutines activating or deactivating without direct input, and in a few isolated instances, adjustments to the Warforged operational protocols. Initial hypotheses pointed towards potential sabotage or external interference, but thorough security sweeps and system audits have yielded no evidence to support such theories. I am inclined to attribute these irregularities to the energy source used to power it. The Tangle's properties, while revolutionary in their application to our work, are not without their quirks. Its capacity to intertwine with and augment our technological endeavors also introduces a level of unpredictability—a factor we've managed to mitigate, but never fully eliminate, in our calculations. While these occurrences warrant close observation, I do not currently perceive them as a threat to our operations or security. The Unit-Y System, despite these anomalies, remains an exceptional solution to piloting the significant number of Warforged currently deployed. But just to be cautious, I have isolated override procedures to the four master terminals in Unity-Y’s server room and outfitted them with security measures. Further, I have isolated remote access to the server room to my personal terminal.

Labratory Archive Logs

Within the abandoned facility, the labratory once used for discovery and the advancement of knowledge was found to also the be tomb for those who once toiled there. Within the logs of the labratories archives, the findings and revelations from the Kender experiements are uncoved - along with a final, bitter sign off from the doomed scientists.

Notable Entries

  • Archive Entry #1, Abilities of Ancestral Kender: "Our research into the Kender's has unearthed promising results. Genetic markers, previously thought to be anomalies, hint at celestial manipulation—a divine or otherworldly hand in their creation. This celestial influence is most evident in Kender’s innate ability to bend luck, an attribute that defies logical explanation. Contemporary Kender exhibit instances of uncanny fortune, yet these occurrences are sporadic, lacking the intentionality seen in the ancestral records. This latent trait now manifests subconsciously, unintentionally activated in moments of peril or need rather than serving as a tool wielded at will. It appears that natural evolution has significantly reduced their ability to actively manipulate luck."
  • Archive Entry #2, Purpose of Kender Creation: "Further experimentation with modern Kender subjects has provided evidence that their well-documented sociopathic tendencies and disregard for ownership were intentionally designed traits. Further, the discovery of a dormant configuration to manipulate luck in their favor has revealed that their ancestors had the ability to manipulate the converse – the manifestation of misfortune for others. This seems to imply these behaviors and capabilities serve a sinister purpose, confirmed by the next discovery – a vestigial gene capable of storing large quantities of animus – the magical energy that gives a body life. It would stand the intent of their creation was to sow discord and destruction among populations, thereby facilitating the harvesting of animus on a global scale. Much like many fae and extra planar creatures feed on a mortal’s animus by creating chaos, the primordial Kender would induce suffering and extract it – without the victim even realizing. The exact nature of this harvest and the intended recipients of this animus remain unknown, but the implications are terrifying. It would seem the Kender, with their jovial demeanor, mask an ancient function tied to a horrific plot unrealized. Or perhaps, yet to be realized."
  • Archive Entry #3, Shortcomings of Available Specimens: "In our continuous study of the Kender race, the reduction in luck manipulation capability poses a significant challenge in our quest to understand and replicate the original synthetic beings' design. While we have made stride reengineering the design of the vestigial gene into a machine to power our Warforged soldiers, our research now stands at a crossroads, necessitating a subject closer to the primordial state—a Kender whose abilities have not been tempered by the passage of time and the forces of evolution. Without such a specimen, I fear we will never be able to fully achieve truly synthetic life – a pursuit of far greater interest to our benefactor. Only with a subject that embodies the full spectrum of intended celestial design can we hope to unlock the secrets of their creation. However, I dread the idea of encountering a being of such malicious capabilities. Until then, we are satisfied with the research conducted in fulfilling the order of developing manufactured soldiers for our clients.”
  • Archive Entry #4, Fuck It: “It seems this will be our final entry. With the war over, and our clients in shambles, this facility has been slated for decommission. It would seem we too are to be decommissioned. In an act of desperation or perhaps malice, Gilis has sealed us within the laboratory, leaving us to an uncertain fate as he flees like the bastard he is. Worse still, he's engaged the facility’s self-destruct sequence, a cold farewell to both his creations and his colleagues. The facility's lockdown protocols are too robust for us to counteract, a testament to Gilis's paranoia. Our time is running out. Yet, in these final hours, our thoughts turn not to escape but to spite.
  • If Gilis believes he can erase his mistakes along with our lives, he underestimates the very minds he brought together. We've managed to override the self-destruct protocol, Gilis will not have the satisfaction of wiping the slate clean. The evidence of our work, his ambitions, and the consequences thereof will remain. Within this terminal’s drive, we have encrypted all our research: the data on the Kender, the Warforged, the Unit-Y System, everything. Should anyone brave enough or foolish enough to venture into this forsaken place, let them uncover the truth.To those who find this: understand that our actions today are not borne out of a desire for redemption. We are beyond such luxuries. This is about accountability. The world must know of Gilis's hubris, our complicity, and the cost of unchecked ambition. Let this facility stand not as a monument to progress but as a warning. And to Gilis, wherever you are, know that your legacy will not be one of genius, but a warning whispered in the halls of academia and echoed in the silent chambers of this laboratory. End of log.”