Speaker Rank/Title in Encopia | World Anvil


Each of the 12 Speakers has the ability to commune directly with the Sage of their ordained aspect, and are therefore expected to work as their ears and voice in the mortal world.


A birth mark shaped like the symbol for a Word of Will, called a "Will Brand."   The mark can appear anywhere on their body, and is not always in the same place as their predecessor.


When a Speaker dies their Will Brand will pass down to another mortal, born exactly when the original owner dies. This new born is the next Speaker for that aspect of nature.


To commune with their respective Sage


Speakers are born with an innate aptitude for their aspect, allowing them to master associated skills and magics very quickly. Many use this to specialize and become the strongest in their field during their lifetime. However, some have historically chosen to ignore this boon and pursue whatever they are more interested in personally.


It's unclear when the first Speaker was identified, or if the role has existed as long as the Sages or sentient life has.   For all of recorded history, they are a well known position uniquely placed between the mortal and divine.

Cultural Significance

Individual Speakers have held a vast variety of other occupations during their respective life time.   Some have been retained as council to kings, some have been kings themselves; others have lived their entire lives as hermits or disappeared completely until death and only revealed again to the world when a new born carries the missing Will Brand.   For all intents and purposes Speakers are still mortals, with their own personality, ambitions, and desires.

Notable Holders

Wish Makers 1.png
Wish Makers 2.png

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