Fire Thistle
Material Characteristics
Fire Thistle seeds look like dark, red acorns.
A mature plant is a bright red 20 ft. tall stalk.
Physical & Chemical Properties
A mature plantĀ is immune to fire and bares red, glowing, fist-size fruit which are highly volatile and explode on impact.
Fire thistle propagates when a fruit falls from the stalk and explodes, spreading the seeds inside.
Origin & Source
Native to the Burning Fields in the Mitfordian Territories. Due to the unique make up of the region's soil it is the only place in Encopia where Fire Thistle has been known to grow.
History & Usage
Only known to grow in the Burning Fields, all attempts at recreating the necessary environment to grow a plant to maturity have been unsuccessful.
Manufacturing & Products
The seeds are completely harmless and can be ground up into a powder, which can be added to food to create a unique, decadent, spicy flavor.
A creature hit by the explosion from a Fire Thistle fruit takes 5d10 fire damage.
Environmental Impact
The constant explosions from mature Fire Thistle stalks dropping fruit to propagate have left the Burning Fields completely scorched and barren.
Trade & Market
Due to the harvesting of seeds being dangerous, and the Mitfordian Confederacy placing an embargo on exporting them, they are seen as an incredible delicacy for nobles in the Fandelian Parishes. The exorbitant price of legal Fire Thistle seeds leads otherwise upstanding citizens to purchase from smugglers.
Seeds: 100 gp per lb