Mitfordian Confederacy Organization in Encopia | World Anvil

Mitfordian Confederacy (Mit-Ford-ian)

The Mitfodian Confederacy is a technologically advanced nation located in the south of the continent of Eucitas. It is known for its impressive feats of engineering and its sophisticated machinery.   The government of the Mitfodian Confederacy is unique, as it is ruled by a consortium of lords, earls, governors, and nobles. This arrangement allows for a decentralized system of governance, with each member of the consortium holding significant power and influence within their own regions. Despite this complex political structure, the Mitfodian Confederacy is a relatively stable nation, thanks in part to its advanced technology and the subtle guidance of their president Chambrs Barton - who holds a significant amount of power and influence within the government - and his Principal Cabinet. President Barton is known for his keen mind and his ability to navigate the complex political landscape of the Mitfodian Confederacy.   The people of this nation are known for their ingenuity and their love of invention, and their cities are filled with impressive machines and devices powered by a delicate balance of technology and magic. One of the most notable features of the Mitfodian Confederacy was the Warforge Legion - automaton robots that were created to fill the army ranks during The War of Opinion - which the majority of have been decommissioned and destroyed, save for a few that are used for peaceful activities such as farming or manual labor.  
Mitfordian Territories

Forward Together

Founding Date
1857 24C
Political, Confederation
Formation Type
Mitfordian, Mitty
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

Articles under Mitfordian Confederacy