Shanneth Nisine (SHan-neth Nes-Zine)

Sunguard Captain Shanneth Nisine (a.k.a. Thas'Belore, The Sun's Valor)

Shanneth Nisine and Felodraste Xilokiir have known each other since they were children growing in miliatary families and joined the same Empire military academy where their equal aptitude resulted in a rivalry, competing against each other in various training exercises and battles. Eventually, Felodraste began to surpass Shanneth in almost every way but they maintained a mutual respect for each others skills resulting in a special bond between them.   As Felodraste rose through the ranks of the empire's military, he always kept Shanneth by his side, appointing her as the captain of his personal legion, the Sunguard. She proved to be a valuable asset to his campaigns, her fighting skills and her tactical mind made her an invaluable member of his inner circle.   Shanneth always felt a sense of disdain towards the native populace of Elos, seeing them as inferior to her own people. As she trained, she became determined to prove her superiority over the lesser cultures by mastering a weapon that they commonly used: the polearm. She learned to wield the weapon with deadly prowess and became an expert even by native standards.   Shanneth's mastery is a taunt to her enemies, using the weapon to strike down their warriors with ease and showing off her superior skills.
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