Chapter 8: Water and Fire Plot in Encopia | World Anvil

Chapter 8: Water and Fire

The party sets out in search of Murdeer Bluddoe, leading them directly to the Yonzu Provinces and Empire territory...

Session 25: Day 55-56

2/23/2022 - 2/24/2022
The party's search takes them to a cliffside cave where they can safely dock without being noticed. Captain Mabel, Alanis Gilra, and Smolette decided to stay behind and guard the boat while the party searches for Murdeer.   Proceeding into the cave, they find clear evidence of recent inhabitants and Fox is able to find Murdeer's sent and pick up her trail. They follow fox to the cave's exit and Zocra picks up a trail of foot prints he can track. Suspiciously, the trail seems to be actively avoiding the road, and in fact completely circumvents a small nearby settlement, and finally leads them into a dense forest.   The dark elf's keen senses spots two figures hiding among the brush and decides to sneak up on them. They reveal themselves to be a father and young son who are part of a resistance group fighting the Yonzu Empire, and are the ones who found Murdeer after she washed up on shore. They agree to take the party to their camp so they can reunite with their friend.   The are brought before Zeva Moto, the resistance leader, who is having dinner with her niece Amani and Murdeer. The imposing leader comments on how impressive a fighter Murdeer is and the stories the Faun has told her about the party, gurther saying it would be an enormous boon to have them join her rebellion against the empire. Murdeer expresses her desire to stay as they have promised the opportunity to butcher many "gold plated bullies."   The party tell her about their commitment to Captain Mabel and recovering the orb containing Scylla Undinia. Zeva is disappointed, but proposes a offer: if the party helps her liberate the near by village, she will help them recover the orb. The party agrees.   That evening, Jacob stumbles upon Quinby who is fiddling with the prosthetic limb they found in the Fandelian prison - he is inscribing magical incantations on it and attempting to perform them. This wound's Jacob's ego a little bit and Quinby is oblivious to the token wizard's ire.   The next morning, the group joins Zeva and her war council as they plan the attack. Jacob proposes a heavily magic focuses approach, but Zeva is hesitant and mistrusting of magic and retorts with a more direct method. They debate for a moment but eventually reach a compromise; the party will infiltrate the city walls by their own means and open the gate to allow Zeva's forces to attack when given the signal...  

Session 26: Day 56

The party scout out the village and discover an entrance into the sewer below the town. Zocra uses his ability to Speak with Animals to convince a large school of fish to help them get to the sewer entrance. Along the way the fish reveal one of their friends, Bill, had been eaten when a scaly hand snatched him from the other side of the grate.   They reach the entrance unnoticed and Juan is able to use his impressive strength to bend the grate for a large enough opening for them all to enter. The sewer is dank and dark but the party can make out faint hissing sounds in the distance. Proceeding forward they encounter the sewer's inhabitants: Sahuagin - lizard people. Zocra makes a fog cloud to cover their advance as the group make their way to a peculiar room at the end of the hall.   The room does not appear to be used by the Sahuagin, and the only things inside are a couple of old broken tables and two skeletons. One of which is slouched up against the wall with an arrow where their heart would be, and the other on the floor with a knife in their ribs, grasping an ornate bow. Zocra picks up and attunes to the bow immediately after his eyes land on it.   noticeably    

Session 27: Day 56

The party is able to subdue Zocra long enough for Jacob to properly inspect the bow and find it is in fact cursed, specifically by the Dark Fae, In-C'le. Unable to do anything about it right now, they proceed on with caution and keep a healthy distance from Zocra should he succumb to the curse yet again.   Deeper into the sewer they encounter another Sahuagin, luckily Jacob has prepared a spell to Comprehend their language and discovers they do not see the party as threats and share a common enemy - the Yonzu Empire - who the Sahuagin call "Gold Foots." Their new ally introduces himself as Giuk and offers to take them to their leader, a Shaman named Yazk, who is in the middle of a ritual to summon "The Great Under One" to save them from the Empire.   The Shaman Yazk appears to be a capable spellcaster himself and can also magically comprehend the group's Common language, expanding on how the Sahuagin miss the old town residents who would feed them, and ever since the Empire occupation they have been hunting them down and poisoning the water in their sewer home. This is why Yazk wants to summon the Great Under One, who could only be the Kraken that sunk the Blood Wing ship.   Seeing opportunity, the group agree to team up with the Sahuagin and deliver them a Yonzu sacrifice needed for their ritual so long as the Sahuagin help when the time comes to attack. Yazk agrees and directs them towards the exit to the village.   Top side, the group split up between Juan and Quinby - who will setup gunpowder kegs and prepare them to blow - and Jacob and Zocra who disguise themselves as Yonzu guards escorting an important merchant - Olati, also in disguise.   The second group is able to make it to the Governor's Mansion with relative ease thanks to their charm and quick thinking. Once inside, they are drawn to familiar voices from the far end of the hall - suddenly, Jacob's vial of Vort's blood begins frantically pulling towards that direction. It would seem the devil jesters are behind the locked door.   Already spinning too many plates, the group decide to ignore them for now and proceed upstairs to the terrace where they find a well-dressed Astral Elf smoking a pipe - the Yonzu Soldier escorting the party announces him to be General Felodraste Xilokiir, the Governor of this new Province, and his two associates, Sunguard Captain Shanneth Nisine and Reagent Lord Ver'an Holidur. They are all too busy discussing strategy around a large map on the table in front of them.   General Xilokiir immediately dismisses them, stating he was not expecting a merchant nor wishes to make time for one unexpectedly, and instructs the Soldier to take the group back to the waiting area where they can be properly vetted...  

Session 28: Day 56

As the group go to leave, Felodraste abruptly stops them and comments on Olati's fine silver rapier asking him if the bard "fancies himself a duelist?" Olati attests to his skill with a skillful flourish which further intrigues Felodraste who then offers a compromise: if Olati can draw a single drop of blood from him, then he will listen to his proposal. Olati agrees.   The two square up and begin their duel. Meanwhile, Jacob moves closer to the map the officers where strategizing over and attempts to decipher their plans. He finds that the Empire is preparing their forces for something big with this village being a key launching point.   Olati struggles to keep up against Felodraste's assault, suffering slash and cut from the lightning fast Astral Elf. Just when things seem most dire, Zocra notices an opening in Felodraste's defenses and signals this to Olati. The bard draws in his opponent, seemingly giving up his footing but nimbly beats back the General's blade and makes a single, surface nick on his face.   Felodraste is left speechless - it has been many years since someone has been able to wound him in single combat - and offers his hand to Olati as a sign of mutual respect for another warrior. Ver’an heals Olati’s wounds and the General will now hear his proposal.   During their conversation, Jacob is able to cast a spell to read Felodraste's throughts to reveal the location of the key to the village's front gate - a rune held by a classless elf named Sarva, who is currently attempting to force his affection upon a poor elven woman, Drusil. The wizard takes off to find his quarry while Olati continues his private discussion with Felodraste, whom expresses his ambitions to be one of the great military leaders to bring the Empire into a new age of prosperity. Further commenting how refreshing it is to be in the company of another skilled warrior. They toast to a new, fortuitous partnership.   Jacob finds Sarva exactly where he expect, harassing the woman by a tree next to the front gate. Jacob intervenes and while Sarva is initially hostile, the cunning con man is able to convince him to trade the gate stone for a "potion" (which is in fact just a bottle of ink) that will make Drusil more susceptible to his advances.   Ready to open the gate, Jacob signals Zeva to begin the rebel's attack and to Quinby to light the powder keg. Juan opens the sewer grate and ignites his warhammer to lead the Sahuagin who begin pouring out from below into the village streets in their attack.   Zeva, Amani, Murdeer, Alanis, and Smolette lead the rebel forces' charge through the open gate just in time for the Yonzu soldier's manning it to be caught off guard by the massive explosion and slithering horde of Lizard folk coming from behind them. Zocra and Quinby take place upon the rooftops and begin attacking the Yonzu soldiers scrambling in the streets below. Suddenly, Zocra hears a fowl whisper from his bow demanding blood and the dark elf acquiesces by unleashing a volley at his target - one of the Sauhuagin. Luckily, Juan is able to cover up where the shots originated from with the cover of the chaotic battle.   The doors to the Governor's mansion fling open and Felodraste - followed closely by Shanneth - begins his approach towards the field of battle. His eyes drawn towards Olati, with a look of perverse delight he draws his blade...
Continued in Chapter 9: Chocolate Reign

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