Udeac Duskback Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Udeac Duskback (You-Deek)

Udeac is a Hill Dwarf from southern Fandelian Parishes. He only speaks one or two words at a time but still seems generally friendly.   He is a Master in the Way of the Iron Fist, a form of martial arts specializing in powerful one-hand punches using a metal gauntlet that has been smelted directly onto his arm. This process is a cultural practice of his tribe which identifies him as his peoples' great protector.   At some point he joined Mundrin's Marauders and has shown great pride in defending his allies.   Leena Balwenys likes to dress him up and wears a hat she made from a large seed pod that he seems to wear happily.   He was killed by the Heroes defending Mundrin.
Year of Death
2022 24C
Aligned Organization