Leena Balwenys Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Leena Balwenys (Lee-NA Baal-Whens)

Originally from Reavia, Leena is a Nature Cleric and infatuated with the connective energy of The Tangle. From a young age she was driven towards having a deeper connection with it, seeking out experts such as the Speaker of Flower which is what originally drew her to the Fandelian Parishes .   It was there she encountered Mundrin Brighthorn, who shared her interests in nature. The two formed a bond and eventually an adventuring party when joined by Udeac Duskback.   Though she is cheerful and light hearted like her younger sister, Sharieth, she tends to be more forthcoming and assertive.   She is the only surviving Marauder after the battle atop Flormonta Mountain. Her current whereabout are unknown.


Sharieth Balwenys

younger sister

Towards Leena Balwenys


Leena Balwenys

older sister

Towards Sharieth Balwenys


Year of Birth
1953 24C 69 Years old
Sharieth Balwenys (younger sister)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations