
Capital of the world's largest empire and located at the literal centre of the world, Heliopolis serves as a vibrant cultural centre where arts, literature, and intellectual pursuits thrive.


Total Population: 7,430,880
Primary Race: Human
General Attitude: Cosmopolitan, Suspicious, Critical.

A peculiarity of the Atlantean culture is that children are raised in pastoral surroundings by their grandparents until the age of Apprenticeship, when they are sent to live with their masters in trade. Each of these stages of life is conducted in a differingthe bulk of the population of Heliopolis are adult humans of working/military age. All genders are represented, in their typical proportions. Of these, around 10 percent are typically ill, infirm, or incarcerated at any given time.


So, Atlantis (and by extension its empire) is a "Theocratic Thalassocracy", which means it's a sea-based empire whose rulers are worshiped as divine. As the largest terrestrial city and capital of the Atlantean Empire, Heliopolis is home to several layers of government, from the Imperial to the municipal. Without getting bogged in minutia, here's a general overview.

The Imperatori

Remember a minute ago when I mentioned how the Atlanteans worshiped their rulers as divine? While similar practices exist in other Empires, the [Dual Monarchs] of Atlantis are probably the most god-like of the Imperatori. Diurnas the Sun-King and Thalassa, Empress of the Seas are, as their titles might suggest, responsible for keeping the sun in the sky and the seas full of life, and so they are the most powerful beings in Navica. While they typically leave the day-to-day administration of the city to its lean and capable bureaucracy, both of them take an active hand in its governance. The are assisted and advised in their duties by the clergy of the Duality, their Imperial religious philosophy, detailed elsewhere.

The Senate of Sun and Sea

The Imperatori are assisted in the governance of Atlantis by a hand-picked Senate, a group of wise and experienced leaders who are entrusted with making important decisions for the realm. The Senate comprises individuals renowned for their wisdom, integrity, and understanding of the ancient Atlantean traditions. The Senate convenes in the grand chambers of Heliopolis to discuss matters of state, resolve disputes, and shape the destiny of Atlantis.


Heliopolis is defended by the formidable Atlantean Aeronautical Fleet, a professional military of volunteers which constitutes about 10 percent of the nation's population at any given time.

Industry & Trade

Advanced Technology

Atlantis is known for its highly advanced technologies, with Heliopolis as the epicenter of thaumic, scientific and technomagical innovation. The city is a hub of research and development, where brilliant minds push the boundaries of knowledge. Advanced transportation systems, floating platforms, energy harnessing devices, and impressive infrastructure are common sights in Heliopolis, showcasing the technomagical achievements of the Atlanteans.


A city the size of Heliopolis has hundreds of neighbourhoods in dozens of districts; naming each of them here is beyond the scope of this writer's patience, and so for ease of reference they've been divided into ten rough types, which I'll get on to describing as I go. I'll try to keep it as readable as possible and stick to a few highlights.  

The Dormitoria

Usually located toward the edge of the city proper, the Dormitoria are Heliopolis' residential districts; architecture here is fairly typical, with low-rise apartment buildings, cookie-cutter single-family dwellings, and stone row-houses being common sights. Mostly, these districts are inhabited by commuters to the Core or Island, and so transit hubs along tight-yet-busy canals are also fairly common sights.

The Edgelands

The capital of Atlantis does not have slums... at least, not big, openly visible ones. But look closer at the cracks and in-between spaces, along the edges and the outskirts, in the places hidden away from view, and you will find the Heliopolitan Edgelands. Not distinct districts per se, these enclave neighbourhoods typically consist of a single disreputable street no longer than a block or two. They're suffered as a necessary evil (what can you do?) but cracked down upon hard if they start to spread.

Canal Districts

With a large population in a small space, room for roads is at a premium. Heliopolis depends on its system of canals to move people and goods quickly around the city. Originally, these were naturally-occurring rivers, streams and channels between smaller islets in the Harbor Lagoon, but successive generations of residents, city planners, and unchecked urban growth have shaped them into modern thoroughfares.

While there are over 150 canals in the city, three of them are massive enough to be considered districts in their own right; these are: The Monarchs' Canal, the People's Canal, and the Andiphonic River. The Andiphonic bears special mention, and is expanded below.

Throne District

In the core of Heliopolis exists a collection of magnificent museums, art galleries, libraries, and academies covering just about every imaginable discipline, all within easy walking distance of the Palace of Sun and Sea. Located on the highest hills on the island, the Throne District is also home to the townhouses of the wealthiest in Atlantis and elsewhere.


The Hundred Harbours

A city serviced by canals necessarily needs many places to tie off a boat. Scattered around the island of Heliopolis are dozens of wide, deep spots in this canal or that which one might find an open berth for a larger vessel, known as (you guessed it!) the Hundred Harbours. Some of these are premium anchorage and fetch top prices, others serve as a semi-permanent residence for those staying in town a while, or who can't afford the Dormitoria. Most of these are safe, but a few of them are Edgelands in their own right. Be discerning.


Atlantean culture has a deep appreciation for beauty and creativity, and their artistic expressions encompass sculpture, painting, music, dance, and storytelling. Festivals, performances, and intellectual debates are regular occurrences, creating a lively and intellectually stimulating atmosphere which draws visitors from across the world to this cosmopolitan city year round. The vast majority of these return again and again; after all, it is the greatest city in the world!


Heliopolis is renowned for its breathtaking architectural marvels that showcase the advanced engineering and artistic prowess of the Atlanteans. The city features towering structures made of gleaming white stone, adorned with intricate carvings, and embellished with vibrant gemstones. The buildings are characterized by graceful curves, grand domes, and imposing pillars, reflecting a harmonious blend of classical and futuristic design.

Spiritual Sanctuaries

Heliopolis is home to sacred sanctuaries and temples dedicated to the Atlantean pantheon of deities. These awe-inspiring structures serve as places of worship, meditation, and spiritual contemplation. Intricate murals, sacred symbols, and mystical artifacts adorn the walls, evoking a sense of divine connection and reverence. The spiritual practices of the Atlanteans emphasize harmony with nature, cosmic balance, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.


Heliopolis completely covers its namesake island. While it is naturally low-lying Coastal Marine Plain and rolling, rainforested hills, most of the natural landscape has been geomantically terraformed to provide maximum thaumic benefit to life and industry and so bears little resemblance to its original form. The River Andiphonic is the island's main source of potable water, supplemented by thousands of wells throughout the city. It drains into the Axion Ocean.


Heliopolis experiences a Mediterranean climate, characterized by mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers. The city enjoys pleasant and temperate weather throughout the year, with its comfortable temperatures, gentle breezes, and an overall pleasant atmosphere making it a desirable place to reside.


Winter in Heliopolis is mild, with cooler temperatures but rarely reaching freezing levels. The city experiences rainfall during this season, refreshing the air and nurturing the surrounding landscapes. The winters are generally short and not excessively cold, allowing residents and visitors to continue enjoying outdoor activities.


Summers in Heliopolis are warm, with plenty of sunshine and clear skies. The temperatures are typically pleasant, although they can occasionally reach higher levels. Evening in the city brings refreshing sea breezes, providing some relief from the warmth and creating a comfortable ambiance.


The city receives a moderate amount of rainfall throughout the year, increasing during the winter months when daily rain showers bring a refreshing atmosphere to the city, adding to its natural beauty.


Local climate is also influenced by the mystical energies that permeate the nearby island of Atlantis. These magical influences may manifest in subtle ways, such as radiant sunlight, iridescent skies, or a gentle luminosity in the air. The magical essence adds an ethereal touch to the climate, heightening the sense of wonder and enchantment within the capital city.


Heliopolis also benefits from its proximity to the surrounding seas and the Atlantean dominion over the oceans. The oceanic influence contributes to the stability of the climate, preventing extreme temperature fluctuations. The coastal location also offers opportunities for water-based activities and a connection to the vibrant marine life of the Atlantean empire.

by Mad Adam with Midjourney & NightCafe
Part of a series on the

Atlantean Empire


by Mad Atom Studios via Midjourney AI
Heliopolis houses a prestigious repository of knowledge, serving as a beacon of wisdom and learning. The Atlanteans have accumulated vast libraries, archives, and repositories of ancient texts, scientific theories, and historical records. Scholars and researchers from across the worlds flock to Heliopolis to study and exchange knowledge, making it a hub of intellectual discourse and academic excellence.
7.43 M
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
by Mad Atom & Midjourney
Because of the limited area available for roads, Heliopolitans make great use of a system of rivers and canals to navigate their crowded island home.

The crowded capital of Atlantis, Heliopolis is a grand and magnificent city, rich in history, culture, and advanced technomagic. It is a testament to the grandeur and ingenuity of the Atlanteans, standing as a shining beacon of knowledge, beauty, and progress. Both above...
The Dormitoria by Mad Atom with Midjourney AI
by Mad Adam via Midjourney
... and beneath the waves. The submerged districts of Heliopolis are informally called "Thalaxopolis", and cater to the needs of the Empire's submarine species.


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