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The stout and powerfully built Dwarves take great pride in both their craftsmanship, as well their martial prowess. Dwarves live four times as long as humans, and their clans have long memories and longer grudges. They prospect for gold and other riches throughout the world, and often contract themselves out as miners or craftsmen for the other races. While most of their population lives in their underground mountain strongholds, they also have many settlements in the Great Desert of Gradllow, and some Dwarves make their homes above ground, on top of resource-rich hilltops. The Mountain Dwarves search continuously for their lost capital of Kildrakeep, which was lost millenia ago in a great battle between the Elves and Dwarves against the Orcs. The Dwarves believe the Elves botched a ritual which led to Kildrakeep being buried deep under the mountain. When they tried to unearth it, they found a great void, with no sign of the citadel. The Dwarves still hold a grudge against the Elves, but more so against the Orcs.    The Dwarves have rebuilt their civilization and have numerous kingdoms and nations, some amongst the hills and some in the mountains. They work closely with gnome clans, creating great works together. The Dwarven kingdoms are cautious to form alliances with the other races, but usually avoid open warfare with the humans, Elves, Gnomes and Halflings. More open minded Dwarves have joined the humans and Elves in their cosmopolitan civilizations. They are often prejudiced against Dragonborn, believing them still servants of the evil Chromatic Dragons. Dwarves are often seen as stubborn, but those who know them best know them more as steadfast. They are known for making numerous oaths, and to break one is a great dishonor.   There are legends of a civilization of Dwarves dwelling in the Underdark, possibly descendants of the survivors of Kildrakeep. These Duergar are rumored to be wicked creatures, seeking vengeance on the surface dwellers for their perceived abandonment.   Subtypes: Hill Dwarves, Mountain Dwarves
Species Traits:
  • Constitution +2
  • Medium Size (usually 4'-5'2" and are usually broad shouldered and stout)
  • Dwarves age at relatively the same rate as humans until adulthood, but Dwarves lifespans are much longer, living from 300-350 years typically
  • Walking Speed: 25ft
  • Darkvision 60ft
  • Dwarven Resilience: You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage
  • Typical Weapon Proficiencies: battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer
  • Stonecunning: Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
  • Typical Languages: Common, Dwarvish
Hill Dwarves:
While still boasting considerable skills in mining and subterranean exploration, Hill Dwarves of various kingdoms and nations have opted to build their settlements above ground, usually in the foothills of mountain ranges, highlands moors or protected plateaus. Hill Dwarves typically cooperate better with other species, particularly Halflings and Gnomes, but also Humans, and usually most have put aside their resentment of Elves.
  • Wisdom +1
  • Dwarven Toughness: Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Mountain Dwarves:
Mountains Dwarves continue their mountain delving, creating wondrous cities beneath the earth and uncovering untold riches in metals, gems, and lost treasures. Many Mountain Dwarf nations continue their search for their many cities and fortresses lost in the calamities of the past, most notably their first capital, Kildrakeep. Mountain Dwarves' explorations undrground often put them at odds with the other subterranean peoples, like Goblinoids, Drow, and their corrupted Dwarven cousins, the Duergar. The stout folk of the mountain are oftentimes more xenophobic than their Hill Dwarf kin, and only begrudgingly cooperate with species, other than their Gnome allies, and are quick to escalate conflicts with Elves, and some even attack Orcs on sight.
  • Strength +2
  • Dwarven Armor Training: You have proficiency with light and medium armor.


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