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Descended from the fey, Elves are one of the longest-lived of the humanoids, often living up to 700 years, or more. While humans were created by their gods to inhabit the Mortal Plane, Elves recognize that they were originally strangers in this world, having migrated from the Feywild. Even still, elves have shaped the realms to their needs, from their woodland fortresses, to their metropolitan empires, nature has bent to the will of these clever and graceful peoples. With their advanced age and numerous successes, it comes as no surprise that many others view the elves as arrogant and prideful. Elves are one of the more naturally gifted magically, owing to their fey ancestors, with mages more common than most other peoples. Elven rulers, oftentimes mages themselves, are often more patient than their human counterparts, often waiting several human generations for their plans to pan out. Elves cooperate best with gnomes, with the latter often as a client race. Humans and Elves have made several societies together, with numerous bloodlines intertwined, and their nations’ relations are most often cordial, and rarely lead to war. Elves see Halflings as kin to the humans, and often treat them as such.   At some point in the past, the infant elven and dwarven nations banded together against the marauding hordes of Orcs. Elves and Dwarves claim the Orcs invaded their lands and began pillaging and using scorched earth tactics against the burgeoning nations. The Dwarves came to the Elves and brokered an alliance to stave off the Orcs. The war culminated in a trap laid by the Dwarves in the mountain citadel of their capital. The large part of the Orc armies stormed the massive underground complex. The Elven army flanked the Orcs from the outside and the Orc forces were trapped. Great magicks were used, which brought the mountain down on the Orcish army. Elves claim the Orcs performed their own ritual which made the collapse even greater, burying the Dwarven citadel. The entire population of the city, as well as most of the Elven and Orcish armies, were lost. Since then, relations between Elves and Dwarves have cooled, as the Dwarves blame the Elves for the loss of their greatest city.   The Drow are a subtype of elves most at home underground, with most corrupted by the Spider Queen, Lolth, whose servants dwell in the Underdark, the subterranean world beneath the surface world. This matriarchal society split off from the other elves millenia ago, but seek to dominate the surface world, much as they do the Underdark. Some Elves believe the Drow are the descendants of the Elven army lost ages ago, while others contend they are descended from outcasts and exiles from Elven society.   Subtypes: Wood Elves, High Elves, Drow
Species Traits:
  • Dexterity +2
  • Medium Size (typically 4'10"-6' tall, with generally slender or lean builds)
  • Elves age at a rate similar to Humans, until they reach adulthood around 20 years. Although physically mature, Elven elders do not consider an Elf of age until their 101st birthday. Elves live long lives, passing naturally between 750-1000 years of age
  • Walking Speed: 30ft
  • Darkvision 60 ft
  • Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
  • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
  • Trance: Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
  • Typical Languages: Elvish, Common
High Elves
The so-called High Elves of Endunia are the descendants of Elves who, rather than stay close to the Trembling Forest, branched out and explored the continents of Endunia. While still revering the natural order, High Elves created cities outside the woodlands, building magnificent cities, with thin and graceful spires reaching towards the heavens. In ancient times, High Elven craftsmen studied metalworking and masonry with their Dwarven neighbors, learning to entertwine their creations with the magic of the Weave. It was High Elven nations that were hit hardest by the wars with the Giants and Dragons, and so many societies became aloof and more insular than in the past. Other nations continued to develop alongside their neighboring species, usually Humans. Most High Elven societies place an emphasis on the study of the Arcane, with even most Elves able to perform at least some rudimentary magics. High Elven mages are some of the most learned and powerful in the world, with people from all over seeking their counsel and hoping to apprentice under one such practitioner of the Arcane.
  • Intelligence +1
  • Typical Weapon Proficiencies: You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
  • Cantrip: You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
  • Extra Language: You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.
Wood Elves
The Wood Elves of Endunia are those that continue to live a life similar to that they had when they still resided in the Feywild. They build their homes amongst the ancient woodlands and groves of Endunia, merging civilization with nature. The most prominent nation of Wood Elves are the Elves of the Trembling Forest, who guard the intelligent and ancient tree known as the Trembling Giant; the Elves of the Trembling Forest are friendly with their neighbors and trade partners outside their forest, but extremely protective of their forest realm, and the location of the Trembling Giant itself. Outsiders traveling the Trembling Forest itself are subjected to scrutiny and suspicion that rivals even that of the Mountain Dwarves. While Half-Elves are a common sight in High Elf settlements, they are rare in Wood Elf villages. Wood Elves are expert woodworkers, farmers and foragers, able to obtain useful materials in any forest. Their abilities as hunters and scouts in envied across the continents and their bows are prize weapons, worth fortunes. Wood Elves are less intellectual in their study of magic and the Weave, opting more to learn ancient secrets from Nature itself, or appealing to their gods for magical prowess.
  • Wisdom +1
  • Typical Weapon Proficiencies: You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
  • Fleet of Foot: Your walking speed increases to 35ft
  • Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
Not all Elves left the Feywild when Corellon led them to Endunia, some stayed behind with their Fey kin. These Elves are known as Eladrin and, while they rarely cross over to the Material Plane, some can be found in the wilds of Endunia, on enigmatic journeys. They are often reclusive, although some tend to gravitate towards their Wood Elf kin, and seek out ancient and forgotten places of power. Eladrin can be seen as anarchistic or chaotic by more mainstream societies, and their sense of morality is well outside the norm, reflecting their Archfey masters. Some Eladrin are known to treat non-Elf sapients as no more than animals, while not outright disrespectful (due to their affinity for nature), but condescending and patronizing. Even still, when an Eldarin does open up, they are usually joyful and boisterous, quick to spread laughs, especially by pranking unsuspecting neighbors. Many Eladrin are loathe to enter large settlements and are uncomfortable in crowded or enclosed spaces. Their connection to the Feywild grants them strange and mysterious powers and knowledge, and more than a few have been known to trade their secrets with Hag covens.
  • Intelligence +1
  • Typical Weapon Proficiencies: You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
  • Fey Step: You can cast the misty step spell once using this trait. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.
Despite their Elven heritage, few Drow consider themselves as Elves anymore. Their society split from the surface Elves millenia ago and were forced to contend with the dangers of the Underdark, twisting them into the devious and malicous Dark Elves that are known today. Before the Great Barrier was established, they were ruled over directly by their God-Queen Lolth, the Spider Queen. The Drow Houses of the Underdark still vie for Lolth's favor from afar, backstabbing each other and hoping to dominate their neighboring peoples both in the Underdark, as well as on the surface. Mainstream Drow are openly hostile to other Elves and often seek to revenge themselves upon their distant kin for grievances millenia old. The Drow Houses are ruled by matriarchs, and only women Drow are allowed into the highest positions in their aristocracy, military and temples. Drow men are often used as servants and footsoldiers, with a select few trained as spellswords and mages, and even fewer are allowed to join the temples. Most craftsman are women, with Drow men acting as servants and throngs of slaves performing menial tasks. Drow mages often practice forbidden and dangerous magics, often making pacts with nefarious Higher Powers as warlocks. Not all Drow exist in the Underdark, however. Eilistraee, the daughter of Lolth and Corellon, turned her back on her mother's evil ways and led small groups of dissidents to hidden enclaves in the Underdark, and some even managed to settle in remote corners of the surface world. These Drow, while still viewed with suspicion and outright disdain by larger society, attempt to cooperate with their neighbors when they are not hiding from them. The Drow of Eilistraee preach redemption and hope to reform both their reputations with other peoples, but also one day liberate their Underdark Drow kin from the tyranny of Lolth. These Drow often become adventurers, hoping to prove themselves advocates of change in Drow society, even if outsiders view them as wicked or untrustworthy. 
  • Charisma +1
  • Darkvision 120ft
  • Sunlight Sensitivity: You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
  • Drow Magic: You know the dancing lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the faerie fire spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the darkness spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • Typical Weapon Proficiencies: You have proficiency with rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows.


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