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Despite being enemy number one in ancient times, Orcs have found themselves intertwined with the other races in recent millenia, leading to interbreeding between Orcs and humans and Elves. Half-Orcs usually resemble Orcs more than humans or Elves, although their appearance is not as harsh. Half-Orcs are usually gray, like most Orcs, but some are more gray-green and some are even human-colored, from peach to tan to brown. Half-Orcs can be as short as 5 feet, or as tall as 7 feet. Like Orcs, Half-Orcs are usually shunned by societies, existing in the underbellies, usually as mercenaries, hired thugs or bandits. This does not mean Half-Orcs are inherently evil, but simply display a pragmatism necessary to survive.   Orcs are mostly nomadic, with their barbarian clans intermingling with those of Dragonborn or humans. Half-Orcs often rise to the position of chieftain in the mixed human/orc tribes, owing to their ability to appeal to both of their natures. Most Orcs still worship Gruumsh, the Evil god and creator of the Orcs, and his vassal deities, and it is said he whispers in all Orcs' heads, even Half-Orcs, usually encouraging them towards violence and mayhem. While there are no official records of Orcish nations on the continents, they have many secluded villages and pirates and sailors who have ventured into the Infinite Archipelago claim to have seen fleets of Orc ships.   Orc raiding vessels ply all waters of the inland sea, Maressia, however most are freelancers or privateers hired by various nations. Still, there are a few fanatical Orc ships that have been said to scuttle their own vessels, rather than be captured, fueling the rumors that these serve some secret master. Orcs and Half-Orcs are some of the best sailors in the world, and even the most bigoted captain would consider an Orcish crewman to be an asset. Half-Orcs make capable adventurers, taking on jobs others may find unseemly or overly dangerous.
Species Traits: 
  • Strength +2
  • Constitution +1
  • Medium Size (usually between 5'6" and 7', generally with muscular and powerful builds)
  • Half-Orcs age faster than Humans do, typically reaching maturity around 14 years, and rarely live longer than 80 years.
  • Walking Speed: 30ft
  • Darkvision 60ft
  • Menacing: You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
  • Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
  • Savage Attacks: When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
  • Typical Languages: Common, Orc


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