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Perhaps the smallest of the humanoid races of Endunia, Halflings are neither as numerous nor as adventurous as the Elves, Humans or Dwarves. They are masters of agriculture, capable of nurturing crops in even the most desolate of places, for example the terrace farms in the moors of north. Most Halflings enjoy the comforts of their small villages, although many who get the itch to travel make excellent merchants, craftsmen, and sailors. Among the cosmopolitan nations, Halflings can often be found taking work as craftsmen, laborers, or cooks, but they often thrive as spies or thieves. They are excellent watermen and frequently trade up and down the rivers, especially the Great River of Endune.    In the past, one of their nations was subjugated by the goblinoids, until the Halflings rose up and threw off the yoke of their oppressors. These Halflings adopted their Hobgoblin enemies’ legionary and shieldwall tactics, which their citizen-soldier armies continue to use to this day, and often sell their services to other civilizations. The mercantile Republic of Serenissima utilizes their famous Halflegion amongst their mercenary armies. The Halflings settlements coexist with most of the humanoid races, but are usually amongst the kingdoms of the humans. Halflings live throughout the world, in almost every major city. Halflings are among the kindest of humanoids and make friends easily and frequently, with their bonds often being passed down the generations. Most of their villages are democracies or communes, but some are vassals of Elven or Human nobles.   Subtypes: Lightfoot, Stout
Species Traits: 
  • Dexterity +2
  • Small Size (Halflings are usually between 3' and 3'6")
  • Halflings mature similar to Humans, reaching maturity around 20 years and living up to 140 years.
  • Walking Speed: 25 ft
  • Lucky: When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
  • Brave: You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
  • Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
  • Typical Languages: Common, Halfling
Unlike other Species in Endunia where their subtypes are more distinct, Halfling of both Stout and Lightfoot cohabitate throughout the continent. While visually distinct and their personalities trend in certain ways, they are of the same culture and most Halflings pay little heed to the distinction between the two, dismissing it as mostly outsider interpretation. Even genetically their appears no causation, as teo Lightfoots can have Stout children and vice versa. Many priests preach that Yondalla herself determines how each Halfling will grow.
Lightfoot Halflings are the most common Halflings outside of their homeland, as Lightfoots are given to wanderlust, taking to professions that take them to the far reaches of Endunia. Lightfoot Halflings are often caravaneers, hunters, scouts, mercenaries, spies, artists, or sailors. Indeed, Lightfoot Halflings are some of the most experienced and adept watermen in the world, especially on the great River Endune. These Halflings are even more jovial than their lighthearted Stout brethren, taking to song and dance at every opportunity.
  • Charisma +1
  • Naturally Stealthy: You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.
The hardier Stout Halflings are more homebodies than Lightfoots, with most dwelling in their highland homelands, rarely venturing many miles from their place of birth. These Halflings are impressive farmers and builders. Their famed terrace farms allow them to farm on even the steepest of slopes, and some Stout Halflings reluctantly contract their services to other nations. Stout Halflings have also perfected the construction of their artificial hill villages. Indistinguishable from natural hillsides to outsiders, these massive dwellings can house thousands of Halflings, and can store enough supplies to last the population the whole winter, an impressive task considering how much the diminutive Halflings can consume. Winter is not the only time these dwellings are of use, as they make excellent fortresses in the rare cases of war. These underground villages are usually cutoff from other subterranean cave systems, to avoid invasion from the foul creatures of the deep. In warmer and safer months, Halflings usually live in villages above ground, usually alongside natural hills neighboring their hidden artificial one. Despite being less adventurous than their Lightfoot kin, Stout Halflings are nevertheless friendly and welcoming to outsiders who show them the same respect, and quick to provide a warm meal and cold beer. The few Stout Halflings that do make their way as adventurers are known to exhibit endurance rivaling Dwarves and other Tall Folk.
  • Constitution +1
  • Stout Resilience: You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.


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