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Not a species in the traditional sense, Tieflings are the combination of a mortal race and some sort of Fiend, whether Devil, Demon or Yugoloth. Sometimes a Tiefling inherits its Fiendish qualities due to interbreeding between mortals and fiends generations in the past, only occurring in a handful of the descendants. Other times, a Tiefling is created as a curse or through the meddling of a practitioner of the arcane. Sometimes, two humans can produce a Tiefling, and sometimes two Tieflings can produce a human, elf or Orc. No matter the manner of their creation, Tieflings are distrusted by most of the humanoid races of Endunia, believing them little better than their Fiendish forebears.   While Tieflings appear mostly human, their horns, teeth and tail betray them. Their skin ranges from the typical human colors to shades of red. Tieflings, like Half-Orcs, live in the dregs of society, operating as thieves and outlaws, or occasionally on the other side of the law as spies or bounty hunters. Tieflings are some of the most individualist and independent people in Endunia, a matter of necessity as societies treat them as scapegoats and pariahs. Their infernal heritage makes them natural spellcasters, and many become wizards’ apprentices or embrace their roots and make deals with their Fiendish ancestors as warlocks. Parents of Tieflings often attempt to hide their nature, sometimes going to the lengths of removing their horns or tails. Tieflings are sometimes sent to monasteries, in attempts to combat their Fiendish influence. Human nations have compounds where they are kept, away from general society. Despite being outcasts, Tieflings make loyal companions, once their trust is earned.
Species Traits:
  • Intelligence +1
  • Charisma +2
  • Medium Size (Tieflings can be born to any species, but especially to Humans and Elves, and so take on the general height and build of their parents)
  • Tieflings usually live as long as their parent species, although discrimination often leads to dangerous lifestyles, and premature deaths.
  • Walking Speed: 30ft
  • Darkvision 60ft
  • Hellish Resistance: You have resistance to Fire damage
  • Infernal Legacy: You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the hellish rebuke spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the darkness spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • Typical Languages: Common, Infernal, and usually any one other language, if they were raised by someone other than Humans


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