The Bellum Divinos Organization in Enga | World Anvil
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The Bellum Divinos


As city but with different titles:
  • Grand Marshall (Councilor)
  • Marshall (High Gandbera)
  • Captain (Senior Gandbera)
  • Soldier (Gandbera)
  • Trainee (Novice Gandbera)
  • Initiate (Initiate Gandbera)

Public Agenda

Within the halls of the Bellum Divinos, its mages study the magics of warriors and fighters for use in battle and at war. Since they have a war mindset and focus, most members of the guild also have extensive training in normal physical martial fighting. A large number of members in this guild fall in the category of “Eldritch Knights”
    Members of the guild are the most frequently encountered mages from Toft outside of the city, as they go out into the world seeking new challenges in warfare.


Guild Hall: The Barracks   Magical Items: Almost exclusively aimed towards battle of some sort.


  • Was the first guild to form after the Scourging.
  • Defended Toft against the Jarldom of Akylli. They were on the front line from the start, blending magic and traditional warfare like an artist does paint.
  • Helped put down the Guild fight in 134-135 BA
  • Assisted the Jarldom of ██████ to remove a goblin warren that had grown to a size that was beyond their handling.

“To the Front!”

Founding Date
873 BB
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The War Wizards
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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