The Arcana of Toft Settlement in Enga | World Anvil
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The Arcana of Toft

The Arcana of Toft is the self appointed center of magical study and arts in Enga. It might sound presumptive, but given the level of distrust most people have of mages in Enga and the fact that no other city has made such a claim, it's not inaccurate. The city was founded following what the mages refer to as “The Great Scourging” in the nearby Jarldoms, it has flourished over its more than 1,600 year history. In the world today, it is a source of pilgrimage for mages and magic users the world over and a source of great wonders.



  Firar: 75%
Ulda: 10%
Aldr: 15%
Skratte: >1%


  Gandbera: 85%
Service/Support/Merchant: 15%


Ruled by The Council of 12
  Seniority/authority within the city:
  • Councilor (Members of the Council)
  • High Gandbera
  • Senior Gandbera
  • Gandbera
  • Novice Gandbera
  • Initiate Gandbera
  • All Others.
In the city if a higher ranking mage tells a lower ranking one to do something, they are required (unless forbidden by guild association) to comply should the request be reasonable. If the mage feels that the request is unreasonable, they must notify the Arbiter, a mage specially appointed by the council to settle disputes. Despite the potential for conflict, there is very little conflict within Toft and the mages follow these rules for the betterment of the city.
  The leaders of Toft maintain a strict noninterventionist mentality when approached to aid one Jarldom or another. While they do not prevent individual wizards/mages/warlocks/sorceresses etc. from helping whomever they please, they also do not allow guilds/colleges to intervene in the wars of the Jarls.


In a city of nearly 20,000 mages, few outsiders think about defenses as necessary concern. When nearly every citizen of the city has the potential to be a walking weapon, this isn’t a normal concern. However, the city has taken measures to prepare for the potential of an attack, however unlikely. Firstly, the city lies in the Vally of Toft, and is thus defended by the natural landscape. The only pass into the valley (Black Pass) is manned by members of the guilds, most frequently by members of the Bellum Divinos, though each guild contributes a few members. Additionally, the Scutum Album built and man a massive wall that rings the city and is itself a magical shield.
    After the last attack by the Jarldom of Akylli, the council set in place magical protections to defend the valley in the case of an overwhelming attack. The nature of the wards is a closely guarded secret, known only by the ruling council.

Industry & Trade

  • Primarily magical goods and services. For the right price, most magical items can be made or repaired. However, most mages in the city trade in knowledge first as a payment vs. coin.
  • Mostly textiles and other merchant goods.
  • Luxury goods are also sought in large numbers.
  • Paper and book binding materials can never be provided in quantities that are sufficient and fetch a higher price within the city.
  • Spell components


The Blue Tower


The Grand Library

  Located in the Blue Tower and accessible by any registered mage, the Grand Library is the largest library in all of Enga. Its range of subjects encompasses all things magical and non-magical. It is said that if you have the right coin or right amount of time you can find the answer to any question within the library. At least, that is what is said.

The Repository

  Located within the Blue Tower (under it supposedly) is the largest collection of magical items in the world. Accessible only to the Council members and the senior members of the guilds (there is a list), it contains items both mundane and those considered too dangerous to be left in the world.


873 B.B. - Founding
  • Wizards fleeing persecution (See The Great Akylli Scourging) travel to the Far East of Enga in search of a safe place to practice their arts.
873 BB - Population 47
  860 BB - The Master Gandbera council established.
  • The 6 eldest wizards form the council and begin to organize the efforts of Toft in the wider world, word goes out to any mages that wish to come to Toft are free to join them.
826 BB - Population 752
  • Influx due to Scourging in different Jarldoms
704 BB - Population 2,535
  689 BB - Construction Of the Blue Tower
  • Excavation begins for the foundation of the Blue Tower. The towers construction is done with both magical and standard techniques and is built into the side of a mountain.
623 BB - Attacked by Jarldom of Akylli
  • The Jarldom of Akylli located directly to the north of the mountain range Toft was built in attacked the city with little warning. They were perhaps unprepared for the result. By this point almost 8 thousand mages called Toft home. They rallied quickly and slew most of the attackers before the end of the first day. The council forbid retribution against the Jarldom, fearful that such a strike back would motivate the other Jarls to attack.
557 BB - Population 4,787
  412 BB - Blue Tower Complete
  • Construction of the Blue Tower is completed. In its walls it can house 7,500 Gandbera, the associated servants and attendants, as well as libraries (there are at least 14) and safe spaces for casting spells.
288 BB - Population 8,822
  68 BB - The Summoning
  • 2 Senior members of the Collegium Sonti summon a Pit Fiend named Sc’Raxe in the lower halls of the Collegium’s Sanctum. Sc’Raxe swears enmity on the entire Toft Arcana then attempts to slay the 2 summoners. The ensuing fight is brief before the two Gandbera send the fiend back to the Nine Hells, but he swears revenge on them and any Gandbera from Enga he finds.
32 BB - Population 12,662
  1 BB
  • The ruling 6 Master Gandbera are contacted by the Hoystr Gothi of Ulf to assist in contacting the Aesir.
0 BA
  • The Breaking
  • In the later part of the year the Ruling council was expanded to 12 and declared a strictly non-interventionist policy.
73 BA - Population 14,237
  134-135 BA - Guilds at War
  • A small dispute between two guilds escalates to a short but brutal street war. It takes the intervention of the council and three full other guilds to put an end to it. The guilds involved are censured and their council seats stripped for a period of 25 years.
278 BA - Population 17,312
  392-396 BA - A Demand
  • Jarldom of Akylli demands tribute of Toft and threatens “to annihilate” the Gandbera if they do not pay. The Council refuses. This starts a period of conflict that hadn’t happened between the two for almost a thousand years. By the end of this period, the Jarldom had dropped its demand, and is now pay tribute to Toft.
447 BA - The Arnora Thok Incident
  • Arnora Thok, a female Gandbera and senior member of the Mortuis is the first of her guild to discover the secrets to becoming a Lich. When she decided to complete the spells to enter full Lichdom she does so in the city to Toft itself. The Master Gandbera in the city all felt the spell as it was cast and the council was immediately called. Within little time, they mustered their most powerful spell casters and set forth to capture the new Lich. It was not an easy process. An entire section of the city was decimated in the fight but before the sun rose that day they had imprisoned Arnora Thok in a hidden area in the under keep beneath The Blue Tower. Her spell books and all her possessions were sequestered in a separate area of the Blue Tower, locked away under powerful spells. Other members of Arnora’s guild managed to steal away her phylactery shortly after and have been periodically feeding souls to it to keep her alive.
512 BA - Population 20,822
  642 BA - Population 22,772
  771 BA -
  • The Hoystr Gothi of Skali contacts the Council of Toft to ask if they can assist in ending the Fimbulwinter. The council refuses. Specifically they tell Skali “We once let our curiosity and lust for greater understanding override our responsibility to this world. We will not make that mistake once again."


Most of the structures in Toft are of stone construction as stone is the most abundant resource in the mountainous area the city lies. However, the styling of the various structures is as varied as the magics practiced in the city.
  The main feature of the cities architecture that is commented on by every new visitor is the roof of the houses. Each is a different color. Some are subtle differences, but no two houses or buildings in the city have a roof of the same color, meaning that if you want to find a specific dwelling or business, mages in the city are just as likely to give you a description of the roof color and walk away, assuming that you understand.


Located in the Ogledi Peaks, the area around the city is rugged mountainous terrain that is not passable without extreme effort.
    The Black Pass, the only safe route through the mountains, is under constant guard by the Bellum Devinos. The pass itself is easily traveled and sees a high number of merchant and goods traversing it daily.

Natural Resources

  • Stone
  • Some ore (Iron, silver, gold)

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  • 873 BB

    Population: 47

  • 873 BB


    Wizards fleeing persecution (See The Great Akylli Scourging ) travel to the Far East of Enga in search of a safe place to practice their arts.

  • 860 BB

    The Council Established

    The 6 eldest wizards form the council and begin to organize the efforts of Toft in the wider world, word goes out to any mages that wish to come to Toft are free to join them.

  • 826 BB

    Population: 752
    Population Migration / Travel

    Influx due to Scourging in different Jarldoms.

  • 704 BB

    Population: 2,535

  • 689 BB

    Construction Of the Blue Tower Begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Excavation begins for the foundation of the Blue Tower. The towers construction is done with both magical and standard techniques and is built into the side of a mountain.

  • 623 BB

    Attacked by Jarldom of Akylli
    Military action

    The Jarldom of Akylli located directly to the north of the mountain range Toft was built in attacked the city with little warning. They were perhaps unprepared for the result. By this point almost 4 thousand mages called Toft home. They rallied quickly and slew most of the attackers before the end of the first day. The council forbid retribution against the Jarldom, fearful that such a strike back would motivate the other Jarls to attack.

  • 557 BB

    Population: 4,787

  • 412 BB

    Blue Tower Complete
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of the Blue Tower is completed. In its walls it can house 7,500 Gandbera, the associated servants and attendants, as well as libraries (there are at least 14) and safe spaces for casting spells.

  • 288 BB

    Population: 8,822

  • 68 BB

    The Summoning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    2 Senior members of the Collegium Sonti summon a Pit Fiend named Sc’Raxe in the lower halls of the Collegium’s Sanctum. Sc’Raxe swears enmity on the entire Toft Arcana then attempts to slay the 2 summoners. The ensuing fight is brief before the two Gandbera send the fiend back to the Nine Hells, but he swears revenge on them and any Gandbera from Enga he finds.

    More reading
    The Collegium Sonti
  • 32 BB

    Population: 12,662

  • 1 BB

    A request from Ulf
    Religious event

    The ruling 6 Master Gandbera are contacted by the Hoystr Gothi of Ulf to assist in contacting the Aesir.

  • 0 BB

    The Breaking
    Disaster / Destruction
    Additional timelines
  • 0 BB


    Expansion of the Council
    Political event

    In the later part of the year the Ruling council was expanded to 12 and declared a strictly non-interventionist policy.

  • 73 AB

    Population: 14,237

  • 134 AB

    135 AB

    Guilds at War
    Military action

    A small dispute between two guilds escalates to a short but brutal street war. It takes the intervention of the council and three full other guilds to put an end to it. The guilds involved are censured and their council seats stripped for a period of 25 years.

  • 278 AB

    Population: 17,312

  • 392 AB

    396 AB

    A Demand
    Military action

    Jarldom of Akylli demands tribute of Toft and threatens “to annihilate” the Gandbera if they do not pay. The Council refuses. This starts a period of conflict that hadn’t happened between the two for almost a thousand years. By the end of this period, the Jarldom had dropped its demand, and is now paying tribute to Toft.

  • 447 AB

    The Arnora Thok Incident
    Disaster / Destruction

    Arnora Thok, a female Gandbera and senior member of the Mortuis is the first of her guild to discover the secrets to becoming a Lich. When she decided to complete the spells to enter full Lichdom she does so in the city to Toft itself. The Master Gandbera in the city all felt the spell as it was cast and the council was immediately called. Within little time, they mustered their most powerful spell casters and set forth to capture the new Lich. It was not an easy process. An entire section of the city was decimated in the fight but before the sun rose that day they had imprisoned Arnora Thok in a hidden area in the under keep beneath The Blue Tower. Her spell books and all her possessions were sequestered in a separate area of the Blue Tower, locked away under powerful spells. Other members of Arnora’s guild managed to steal away her phylactery shortly after and have been periodically feeding souls to it to keep her alive.

  • 512 AB

    Population: 20,822

  • 642 AB

    Population: 22,772

  • 771 AB

    A New Religious Request
    Religious event

    The Hoystr Gothi of Skali contacts the Council of Toft to ask if they can assist in ending the Fimbulwinter. The council refuses. Specifically they tell Skali “We once let our curiosity and lust for greater understanding override our responsibility to this world. We will not make that mistake once again."


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