The Cathedral (Toft) Building / Landmark in Enga | World Anvil
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The Cathedral (Toft)

Purpose / Function

  • The Cathedral was originally designed to be a temple to the Aesir. Even in Toft there is a substantial religious following, and the Cathedral originally was meant to tend to that following.
  • At some point during the early days of its construction, the leader of the Nigrum Manes moved in on the construction and began to use dark magics to speed the construction along. It is unknown if they wanted ownership of The Cathedral at that time, or if that evolved over time as the building was constructed.
  • Once the Ghosts decided it was their structure, they forbid any others to help finish the construction and completed it themselves.


  • Since the external building was completed it is unknown if there were any substantial changes to the structure. It’s known that they Nigrum Manes added at least some underground levels (a substantial amount of dirt, rock and soil were removed) but how many or what the purpose is, no one but guild members know.


  • The Cathedral is styled as a triangular tower with three tall turrets that end in high gothic spires. It was originally constructed out of plain colored stone from the nearby mountains, however the Nigrum Manes used magic to change the color to a matte black that reflects little light.
  • The roof of the Cathedral is black.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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