The Collegium Naturae Organization in Enga | World Anvil
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The Collegium Naturae


Replaces the city structure with the following:
  • High Druid (Councilor)
  • Druid (Gandbera)
  • Initiate (Novice)

Public Agenda

The Collegium Naturae is the center for druidic arts in Enga. They have taken apon themselves stewardship of Enga’s wild lands and preservation of the natural world. The halls of the Collegium in the Blue Tower look more like a wild forest than the inside of a castle, making the druids feel right at home.


The Growing Staff
  • The prize possession of the Collegium Naturae is the Growing Staff. A brown staff about 5 feet in length with a large emerald set among forked branches, the Growing Staff has the ability to cause whole fields of crops to grow and mature in mere minutes.
  • The staff is carried by the senior member of the Collegium.


In the early days of Toft, it was the few druids that had escaped into the mountains with the others that kept the city from failing. They raised crops and fed the fledgling city. For that they earned a reputation that they still have as “saviors” though they prefer to be called “shapers”, owe it to the idea that they shaped the success of the early cities growth.   The Collegium was founded a number of years later in 865 BB when it became evident that more of the mages wished to learn the skills of the druids.

“To the Trees!”

Founding Date
865 BB
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The College of Nature
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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