The Way-station (Toft) Building / Landmark in Enga | World Anvil
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The Way-station (Toft)

Purpose / Function

  • The Way-station is the gathering place and home for the Viatori and was purpose built for them.


  • See Architecture


  • The Way-Station looks to anyone outside as a small, though well built white stone building that has perhaps one room. The door when opened leads to a room of modest size, with 6 other doors, none of which are visible to the outside.
  • Behind these doors is the real Way-Station, as the doors are permanent gateways, linked to different locations. The real locations are carefully guarded secrets, though rumor has it that the locations are not able to be reached through non magical means even if you do know them. The only one that is locked at all times is the gateway leading to the Library of the Viatori. Since it contains information that might be damaging if it were to be known to the public, the Librarian of the Viatori is the only one with a key, and the only one allowed into the Library normally.
  • The roof of the Way-station is teal green.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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