Barlic mutor

Basic Information


The Barlic mutor is a quadruped, with a carapace like armor of a material unknown to Enimales. It is a huge creature, reaching 25 to 30 meters in height, 10 to 15 meters in width, and it is not uncommon for them to reaches a length of 40 to 60 meters. The Barlic mutor has a very dens bone structure, making its skeleton extremely strong, like its out armor. Underneth its haevy armor plating it has a very dens musculartur.

Growth Rate & Stages

Do to their very protective nature, the growth of a young Barlic mutor has not been recorded and their size at birth is also still unkown. The smallest specement on record of a younger Barlic mutor, is eastemated to have wayed around 1500 tons and measering 16 meters tall, 24 meters long and 12 meters wide. when this is hold agaist other records of larger specemens, it can be concloded that that some point. in the later devalopmental stages, it starts to add more mass than size. this is asumed to be the procces of the thicking of its natural armor.

Ecology and Habitats

The Barlic mutor is not native to Enimales, but was brought here via the sphere effects. It is not found any other places in Enimales, other than The Shattering. How the massive creatures traverse the islands is unknown, but observations made seems to indicate that they somehow must. Even though, it is very territorial, and is normally not seen leaving it territory. It is believed that it happens for matting, it is also here that the observation of a Barlic mutor being on another island were recorded.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It feeds of ambient magics and energy in its soundings, while it is still cable of eating plants and other creatures. It has never been observed doing so for feeding purposes.


They usually wander alone, not hunting nor collecting food or sustenance. If provoked they will kill and usually devour, the source of the provocation and anything else in the vicinity of it. The only time they are seen with other of its species, is when they are raising young.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Netrom09, with StableDiffusion


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