The Shattering

The Shattering is an area, where much planar activity is happening. This activity causes a lot of difrent things to orcure, everthing from earthquake and Tsunamis to surges of wild magic and arcane storms. Not many sane people live in this shattered archipelago. But those who do, live much on their own. Because of the wild and unpridictible natur of the area, there are no real trade or trafic to or from any of the islands. It is said that
Even if you know where an islands is, it does not mean that it will be there again, if you look for it.

Heart of the Fenterric ocean

The islands of the shattering lies in the middle of the Fenterric ocean, and with unpridicteble natur of the region, it is mostly left alone. This also makes it a very difrent place for fauna and flora, that mainly lives and grows without the preccens of civilisation. Many diffrent species of animals, plants, creatures and monsters can be found in the area.   Even magic works strange in the region, arcane transport or comunication does not realy work reliably enough, for any one to realy consider it an option. Again antoher reson that people avoid it at all cost. But even so, because of its ekstreamly strategic location that it lies within. Some still come to the islands, to try an take advange of this. So far no one has succesfuly done this yet.   What causes the enviement to act in this way, is not understood. Some stories tell tales for the gods punising the old inhabitants of the islands, other blame it on demons, devils or other otherworldy creatues. There are many tales on the subject, but no evedince to any of them. If anyone knows, they keep it to them self.   Even though the place it self is not understood, it still has massive consequences for the rest of the world. It is not uncommen for disasters or storms from the region, to go beyond it and impact other places in the world. on occasions even disrupt the fabrics of magic far outside the area of the Shattering.
History of the Shattering
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

This article has no secrets.


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