Carrion Vine

Carrion Vine is a small slithering vine like plant without leaves that feeds on decaying bio-matter.



Its vines are slender, sinuous vines grow rapidly, reaching for heat and bio-matter. These vines are covered in fine, hair-like structures reminiscent of mycelium threads.
Roots: Instead of traditional roots, Carrion vine has underground networks of fungal mycelium that extend far and wide, connecting with decaying matter.
The vines has the ability to seperate from its root network, move over ground and opsticles. To then feed, reatach to its root network or start a new network if condtions allow for it.
The leaves are glossy, dark gray with a tint of teal, and veined with silver or white vains. These vines only set an grow when Carrion Vine, is decomposing decaying Rizachor roots.

Feeding Mechanism

Decomposes, Carrion Vine feeds on decaying bio-matter. Its mycelial network secretes enzymes that break down organic matter, absorbing nutrients directly from fallen leaves, dead wood, soil or dead orcaninc matirial.
Symbiosis, The plant forms symbiotic relationships with nearby fungi, exchanging nutrients and information through its mycelium like root network.

Growth Habit

Carrion Vine climbs walls, trees, and structures, using its tendrils to anchor and explore. If in specely faverble conditions, it might even set of seeker vines to start antoher place detached from it originally mycelial network.
It covers cave walls and selings, spreeding closer to heat and living matter. This webbing often give homes to smaller cave creatures and inscets, in a symbiotic exchange.

Magical Properties

When touched and magic is channeled into it, Carrion Vine emits a faint glow, promoting the effect of spell put into it. Healing and regeneration magics seem to linger for longer in the plants vines.
Spore Release during moonlit nights, it releases luminescent spores that attract nocturnal creatures.
Dreamweaver its leaves create vivid dreams for those who sleep nearby. This only happens in thoes very rear accations were Carrion Vine, has set leaves.


Damp caves and forrest floors Carrion Vine thrives in shaded, damp environments, where decay and life intertwine. It clings to forgotten structures, ancient Ruins and revitalizing them with its magical infused natur. If an area were coursed, the vine reflects and amplifies that.


While not harmful to the touch, touching Carrion Vine may induce vivid dreams or memories. Treat it with reverence; it guards the boundary between life and decay.
by Netrom09, with StableDiffusion


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