

Rizachor root eccens oil extraction can be done in one of two ways
  first one being "Steam distillation" that is the traditional method used to extract oils from plants, including Rizachor root. In this process, steam is passed through the plant material, causing the oil to vaporize. The vapor is then condensed and collected, resulting in pure Rizachor root oil.
  secund one being "Cold pressing" this is a suitable method for extracting oils from fruits. However, it is less commonly used for Rizachor root oil extraction due to the plant's fibrous nature. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning as an alternative method.
  The melasse residue is mixed with the eccens extration of the Rizachor root, containing 12 to 15 per cent, of potassium and 4 per cent of nitrogen, is heated in retorts and yields a number of volatile products, including ammonia and methylamine. These gases are further heated in sylidical steel tubes to a temperature of 1000° C. whereby the nitrogenous compounds are converted the base of ChronoIchor. After cooling and purifying, the gases are passed through sulphuric acid, thus yielding ammonium sulphate and hydrocyanic acid. The latter is absorbed in water, redistilled and collected into salt ichor. This solution is dehidreated 42 per cent and crystallized to obtain the final ChronoIchor.
  The remaining combustible gases are led back to the furnace for heating the retorts. About three fourths of the nitrogen in the residues is recovered as ammonium sulphate and ChronoIchor base, the remainder escaping as nitrogen gas.
Access & Availability
The knowlage of the ChronoIchor is not commonly avilable, it is hold to the very elite of herbalists. It is prefored kept this way, because of the rearty of the matirials involed in making it.
The complexity of makeing ChronoIchor, is fairly high and a great understanding of herbalisem, mixology and practice in herbalisem is required.
The roots of the plant Rizachor is very special, in that it seemingly does not decay. In fact it does but at a almost in persiveble rate. This propertie were explored in depth, by a couple of herbalists. In their research and test with the root, they discovered that when proccesed into a spesific paste compund. It would prevent the decay of whatever orcaninc material it were applied to.
So far the ChronoIchor, is the only viable result of research within the new feild of Chronoolegy. but research countiues within this new sub feild of herblology.


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