Planar thinning

Planar thinning is when planes are forced closer together, so that the borders between planes a thinner at that point in space. usually this happens natruly or by assembled devine powers. In the case of what have made the The Shattering what it is today. the planar thinning came into being via unsualy circumstances. One of the magocracy's of Fendrel, where doing some arcane testing when a mishap of epic preportions sundered Planar between Enimales and normal planar space.   Planar thinning can have a multitude of diffrent effects on, all planes involde. In the case of was now is The Shattering, most of the effects are on the plane of Enimales. many of the effects of planer thinning, depends on the level of thinning invold af the location. And for The Shattering it is quit a high level of thinning. Both because of the way it happend, and that the borders effected already where so thin.  

Levels and their effects

Listed below are a short overview of levels of planer thinning and effects to expect from them:   Level 0
a level zero thinning is the most severe type of thinning. This is the step just before a convergence of the planes. At this level the planes are so close to each other, that multiple pathways opens up between them. These pathways are so close that it almost seems like the planes er one, and usually the pathways are permenent i this state of thinning. The secundary effects are actully not that severe at level zero, because the planes are so linked, the energy that passe between them are usually full transfer or close to it. Where higher level of thinning will propergate changes in distorded way, depending on the type, power and cause of what ever is bleeding through.   Level 1
Metaphysical, Arcane


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